So there’s a girl at school who I have a crush on. But I don’t know how and when to confess. She’s someone that hangs out with her friends a lot so she’s never rlly alone. I just had my one fucking chance to confess but I hesitated and blew it. I’m just can’t.
Any suggestions to help me?

  1. Bro, I’m in the same boat.

    Here is my plan: I wanna ask her out this week. That’s my deadline. I’ll see her tomorrow in class for the last time this week. If I get a chance after class, I’ll ask her then, if I don’t get the chance, I’ll text her afterwards.

    This way I have a clear plan, its set up in an “if this, than that” manner, that way I’ll have a back up plan in case the excuses take over in the moment.

  2. Has she ever shown any attention to you? (Smile, eye contact or anything else)..if so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to text her

  3. don’t tell her you have a crush on her. If she doesn’t also have feelings for you right off the bat it can feel like you just dumped a lot on her; that’s not a position you want to put someone in

    try to make events happen naturally instead. Could try creating an event with a group of people where you might have a chance to hang out with her in a small group setting, or join an existing group she’s part of

    if you haven’t talked with her much yet you also don’t really know if you have a crush on her or not

  4. Just tell her directly. Be like “Hey, I actually have a crush on you.” It would be great if we could go get some coffee some time, or food”.

    Then see what she says. If she turns you down, it doesn’t mean she will forever. Just say, “Oh, ok. That’s a bit disappointing but hoping we can still stay friends”.

    If she says yes, you know she’s open to it.

    One of the advantages of being direct is that if she doesn’t like you already, then your courage might make her start liking you on the spot.

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