I’ve been chatting with this guy from bumble for about 4 weeks. It’s been going well, and the last couple of days we’ve gotten very comfortable with each other, and he’s asked me to send him a sexy picture (with my lingerie on).

The main problem is I haven’t met him yet, because we’ve been really busy and haven’t been able to organise a Meetup. Should I wait until we meet (which could be a couple weeks) or go through with it and increase (hopefully) the attraction? I’m not the most confident in my body. Im quite chubby, but have a big ass so maybe guys like that now, but it might be a turn off.

Any tips?

  1. It’s up to you. I usually avoid any face or identifying things in the picture so you can always deny it if it leaks.

  2. Don’t do it at all. One day you will regret it. It’s like a neck tattoo. today it’s cool but one day been you’ll regret it and can’t get rid of it

  3. Like everyone said, no face for no regrets.

    since you’re asking advice: I generally believe 4 weeks is on the long side for texting before meeting, a lot of investment without any return. That said it also seems like too long of a time for a con to get a picture for not good reasons.

    Good luck out there, hopefully it is a fruitful stitch for you!

  4. Some of these comments 😂😂

    You haven’t even met and you’re impression is gonna be ‘here’s my body – please validate it’. Is he/are you looking for a relationship? Or is he siffting through naked/lingerie pics to judge/pick and choose who he’s gonna go for? Because I can guaruntee you aren’t the only one, and it kind of gives me the ick to show a dude I haven’t even met yet what I look like dressed up for sex. Like who even are you to deserve seeing that? I hate that its so normalised.

    Oh and 4 weeks of ‘talking’ is not ‘a lot of investment with very little payback’. Avoid anyone who thinks this way. They’re not interested in you. They’re interested in fucking you.

    Of course if thats what you’re going for then go right ahead. This is exactly how you reel in a casual sex partner.

  5. Do not do anything you don’t genuinely want to do. If it’s fun for you too then sure. But even then like someone else said make sure it’s an anonymous pic still incase he does the wrong thing with it

  6. Don’t do it! Wait until you guys have more of a rapport in person. The right guy will wait.

  7. Tell him you want a lingerie pic first. And he’s gotta really pose for you.


    Pics should be willingly offered. Not sought after. Just my 2 cents.

  8. Totally your choice….if he makes you feel comfortable then send the pic there’s nothing wrong in it

  9. You already mentioned that you arent going to send it, but just adding my two cents…

    Normally I would say yea, go for it… just don’t include face. However, because you met this guy via online dating, he already has pics of your face and therefore if he wanted to spread them he has your name, face and lingerie pics easily spread. Regardless of whether you send a faceless pic or not, bc of how online dating works he technically ALREADY has it.

    Just something to add for other women who have a similar question.

  10. There’s something about talking with someone face to face that texting just can’t replace. I’d wait until you’ve seen and talked to each other in real life in order to gage whether this is someone you’d like to share your body with.

  11. Yes. Stupid idea
    Get to know the person. Actually get to know them in person. Or just share your pics online.

  12. I get nothing out of sexting if I don’t know, for a fact, that I have irl chemistry with the person on the other end. Will sending a pic be fun for you, or would you just be doing it for this man that you’ve never met, who — for all you know — could be a catfish?

  13. If you’re just looking for hookups then yeah if you’re comfortable with it, if you’re not looking for that then hard NO. But as someone who’s seen many of the seedy places nudes end up online I recommend to anyone to give it a second thought.

  14. I always say meet in person first.

    As a dude I personally would enjoy the tease of knowing to either see it in person or put a face to a photo.
    Everyone is different i know some people that would never send a photo and some that turns them on.

    My ex and other women would send them both with or without face. I’m not gonna complain or force them to do one or the other it’s their gift to me really I’m just happy to be the receiving end.

    I see you decided no already so that’s good because if that’s your more comfortable way go for it. Doesn’t mean you said no forever just not yet for the fellow

  15. I would personally wait to meet up unless you’re comfortable. Let this be your first “no” and see if he reacts like a lil beach

  16. It is totally on you good idea will be not to share the pics until you spend some time togather

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