I had a magical first date with a girl I met on OkCupid on Weds night, both in our mid 20s. We shared a drink together, we talked and laughed, we began people watching after a while like old friends would do. The date occurred within 3 days of initially matching, since she had voluntarily given me her number on the app. She complemented how nice I looked multiple times, talked about future oriented things like “When you meet my dad, he’s an Eagles fan, so stay away from that subject,” and asked me questions about morals, politics, etc., that are generally reserved for people for whom someone is really head over heels and with whom they see a future. She also did say how much she liked me already and how she was nervous on the way to the bar because she wasn’t sure if I’d ask her out again. After sitting and talking for about 4 hours, we left and agreed in person to meet up when she gets home from her upcoming trip. We also connected on social media at her suggestion. We had a quick kiss goodnight and held the gaze for a few seconds, and parted ways. I texted her when I got home saying what a great time I had, and she agreed and said she can’t wait to get together once she is back from her trip.

She is in Ohio for a few days for a family christening. Yesterday evening, almost 24 hours after the date, I texted her wishing her a safe trip and enjoyable few days. I have not heard back from that message. Although many of my friends tell me I have been ghosted, as she has not yet taken this long to reply, I’m being (maybe too) optimistic that she will get back to me. She did respond to my first follow up text when I got home, and she is away for a christening. She is also an investment banker who works in person, so I know she had an extremely long workday with next to no breaks yesterday, followed by a 6AM flight this morning.

This was the first date in a while where I have genuinely felt like there is a future, and although I am not overly invested, I do want it to work out. I have some suggestions IRL that I should casually send one more text on Sunday telling her I hoped the trip was going well and that I am excited to get together next week. I was initially planning to wait until Tuesday when she returns, but I think I am taking a risk either way. If I text on Sunday, she may think I’m being too needy. If I wait until Tuesday, she may think I care so little that I forgot about her for the entire weekend.

Anyway, am I actually being too optimistic? And what should I do? Women’s advice is preferred, but men are welcome too!

1 comment
  1. I think you should text her on Sunday. You’re not being overly optimistic – it sounds like a great date that you both really enjoyed!

    If she is ghosting you, then she is obviously not the one for you and isn’t in the right head space for a mature relationship

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