Got some good news you want to share?

  1. I’ve (M30ish) now been on 6 dates with a woman (2 or so years older) who seems to be equally into me as I am into them. Not really experienced this before. Might actually introduce them to friends and family one day, which has never crossed my mind previously. How exactly does a relationship take the next step?

    Feels like I’m just setting myself up to be heartbroken.

  2. My birthday was last weekend and the guy I’ve been seeing and I had two events planned where I met some of his friends (not inner circle ones) for dates 6 and 7. He positively spoiled me and I felt so cared for! Even though I’d seen him like an hour before and gone to bed, he texted me just after midnight so I’d see it as soon as I got up. The last part of my gift is scheduled for this weekend, and I plan on having the exclusivity talk (he’s not seeing anyone else but he knows I was).

  3. Good news is I initiated the conversation to ask for more than just casual. We are meeting up this weekend to chat and I don’t know what to expect, except I will be honest with what I want and not settle for less. Wish me luck.

  4. We nailed our corporate walk! Also I got a full night’s sleep. Apparently I made a good impression on our regional VP and staff.

  5. three weeks or so ago I broke things off with someone I really liked and had been dating for ~3 months because we wanted different things. I am proud of myself for doing that! and also I am starting to be less sad about it. (and have learned the lesson to see if we’re on the same page before catching feelings, lol.)

  6. Thoughts on using an egg donor to have a child? Anything to be aware of about this?

    I’d like to find a significant other and raise a family but it doesn’t look like it’ll happen. I’d still like to have children. There’s probably some social stigma if anyone finds out and I’ll still have lonely days without a significant other but was just thinking about method.

  7. No good news as me and the guy cancelled the date yesterday due to his time restrictions, and I have been feeling very anxious also because I feel like it has been mostly me who has been initiating for the past week.

    I have decided to pull away and not initiate anything anymore (to give him space to do so), I even started swiping again. I don’t know if I’m doing the only logical thing and protecting myself, or sabotaging. However, he has an important medical checkup today (that he had been looking forward to to get some answers) and I will feel a bit weird if I don’t ask about it (if he doesn’t update me himself – which he did last week after a different checkup, so maybe the fact that he doesn’t will be telling enough).

  8. * Well I’m engaged in weekly therapy & I’m actively involved in improving my own headspace.

    **With that being said—** *I’m still upset that I will be 35 & I’ve never experienced a loving romantic relationship. I feel like I missed out on my youth & all of my friends are in long committed relationships. My best friend just got engaged & he has a child on the way.*

  9. Stop basing your happiness on a particular day, this thing is from within and it is eternal and that outside one is temporary

  10. Museum guy is ramping up the whole “building a connection” thing. He drives a lot for work and suggested we have a phone call while he drives home, so we did and it was nice! He does talk a lot though and I keep having to interrupt him to get a word in, but I knew he was a blathery type already.

    For some context, I tried to jump his bones on our recent third date which was Netflix and chill and he said he needs a bit more time to get to that point. It was surprising, but I figured let’s see what happens. I guess having these phone calls can be a good way to become more comfortable, but I don’t know… I like him, but after he said he wants to wait with sex my feelings towards him have turned into “he’s just a friend” feelings.

    It’s curious because when we were making out I was super into it, but the fact that he wasn’t (he claims he was insanely nervous) made my brain just completely stop entertaining any sexual feelings for him. It doesn’t help that we haven’t been able to see for two weeks and I’ve started sleeping with someone else (right now we’re all agreeing the dating is casual) so I feel very “could take it or leave it” about this guy. On the other hand, we have been talking and dating since late July so I’m starting to feel like I know him a little. I’m afraid this is becoming a situationship of attachment, not attraction, and I don’t think he realises it himself yet.

  11. “You have literally a perfect cock” was among the best sentences I’ve ever heard in my life, so that’s kind of sustaining what otherwise has been a less than stellar week

  12. I’m going on a 2nd date tomorrow with the Professora. She’s the best candidate to come along in quite a while so I’ve been winding down my other situations. However due to my travel and her minor surgery we are pretty much not going to see each other for most of October. Her text game is strong so that’s something.

    She also doesn’t want to have sex without monogamy, which is fair, and I don’t want monogamy without feeling more comfortable about the emotional dynamic, which I think is also fair. Which results in the confusing situation of her telling me she totally wants to have sex with me on our second date if I were willing to be exclusive but I’m not. Sigh. Life was simpler when I was younger.

    I have a couple other dates playing out over the next 10 days. None of them are serious long-term potential but they will keep me company while she is unavailable for October. That’s good, isn’t it?

  13. Went on a really great date on Tuesday! He walked me home we had good chemistry he told me he wanted to see me again when he gets back from visiting friends this weekend. I haven’t heard from him since. I’m not reaching out. Does that mean it was all just talk? Was he trying to bone by walking me home? I thought he was a gentleman and we had a great time but if he felt the same way wouldn’t he have reached out by now? He doesn’t leave for his trip until tonight. (Sorry, not great news)

  14. On a work trip, but get to go home to my boyfriend and pets tonight! This has been a short trip (he dropped me off at the airport early Tuesday), but I have missed him more than usual, I think because it’s been my second trip in 2 weeks and I’m just kind of over it in general. When I have to travel, I’ll occasionally call to talk on the phone, which we never otherwise do, and which is not really his thing, but he was a little more into it than usual last night, so I think he’s feeling it too.

  15. Date four last night. Took me to my favorite restaurant. Planning on seeing each other this weekend. This is starting to feel real. I told him I’m keeping my guard up until he’s farther into the divorce process and he totally gets it and respects it. Now I just have to be patient.

  16. Have a first date on Tuesday with someone I met organically through friends at a party on Saturday. Texted periodically the first couple of days to show general interest, set a date yesterday for next week, and haven’t since. I’ve decided that I like this approach because I don’t text all friends daily, and now I can get to know them for the majority in person and do the whole slow burn thing should it go past the first date. This feels healthy, especially since I decided I didn’t want to do dating apps for a bit, and I’m putting myself first.

  17. I took a break from dating for four years, to work on career, my own emotional health, etc. I’ve been a selfish and avoidant partner all my life. Now with the passage of time, wisdom of hindsight and age, and some reading about relationships, communication, attachment theory, I think I might finally be in a place where I can prioritize someone other than myself.

    So, I started dating a couple months ago, trying to keep an open mind and really fairly consider a wide variety of people. I was looking for something serious but expected it would take some time to find someone compatible, as well there was the unsettling fact that I wasn’t used to dating after such a long hiatus. I planned to just go on a bunch of first and second dates. Instead I found this really interesting woman almost right away, we just had date #5. She’s independent which suits me well, direct style of communication which is so incredibly helpful, very clever, super sexy.

    I think likely the feelings are a little stronger for me than for her, which is ok. I’m enjoying putting myself out there and feeling a little bit vulnerable, and just working through that vulnerability. She seems a bit complicated and I am excited to get to know her better.

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