My partner has orgasms from piv sex but has never squirted, she gets the sensation of needing to wee but she always holds it in, it doesent seem to stop her having an orgasm where she needs a minute to come round after i stop so dont think it stops pleasure as such.

She doesent seem overly keen or bothered about the idea and hates the feeling of my fingers putting pressure on her g spot, she said it doesent feel as nice as the penis.

Anyway is it that big of a deal if she doesent? I havent put pressure on her im just curious.

  1. Not a big deal at all. It’s a physical response to a certain type of physical stimulus. Squirting has zero connection to pleasure unless it’s something that psychologically excites someone.

  2. Squirting has become something people have become obsessed with doing , really like another user said it doesn’t particularly equate to pleasure unless you are aroused by what you trying to achieve . Scientifically squirting is coital incontinence and as much as people want to say it’s not it is , it may be mixed with other fluids but it is urine and it depends on your hydration levels. The relief comes from the fact it is scientifically proven that the bladder is emptied afterwards.
    Women who have tilted uterus’ or other gynaecological issues find being stimulated to try and squirt even more uncomfortable because we often need to urinate more anyway and it’s not particularly pleasurable.

    Basically all squirting is ,is stimulating a part of the female anatomy until they pass urine – it’s just done less traditionally than when we go to the bathroom.

    It’s a huge turnon for people because people have been brainwashed into believing its some kind of special orgasm when in reality it doesn’t coexist with orgasm usually. People are turned on by it because you are letting go and some women enjoy that kind of stimulation also men like the feeling that they’ve done that to their partner.

  3. Only some people squirt and it’s not indicative of a higher level of pleasure. It’s just something that some people’s bodies can do.

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