I (26f) have lost attraction for my girlfriend(22f) of one year. The beginning of the relationship, the sex was incredible and romantic, and I really fell in love with her personality. Now I love and adore her so so much, we’re an amazing team, she’s so loyal and supportive and wonderful, but I’ve lost my sex desire for her.
I had this happen before in a previous relationship, but my partner was pretty crazy so I just chalked it up to that, and that she was not ‘the one’.
I’m really stressed that this is happening with this wonderful sweet girl? I’m totally in love with her personality so I can’t understand why I’ve lost my desire for her.
We still go on lots of dates etc, keep our relationship fun. I’m really stuck because out of all the relationships I’ve had, she’s the best partner and I can’t imagine finding anyone better. I’m so devastated that my sex desire has gone! I know it’s specifically with her as I’ve had sex dreams about other girls.
Please can anyone help?!

Tdlr; loss of sexual desire for partner I love

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