So this is probably a very quick one to answer, so this week I am cooking for me and my partner as I have some time off and I am being nice of course as I am at home and she comes back from work tired. Not sure whether to feel upset or not at this.

So I have let it go however wanted to see how others would react?? I cooked her favorite meal today for her as we discussed I would be cooking tonight. Got a message just as I am going to pick her up saying one of her colleagues had invited her out for food, I was already half way through cooking and she knew I was cooking tonight. Would you leave it alone in this situation and just leave the food cold or be slightly annoyed after taking the time to plan, cook and get a meal sorted.

She replied as well with “Oh no! I literally just got asked and said ok” and decided to go anyway

TL;DR: GF knew I was cooking and that it was one of her favorite meals, she got invited last second for food with a colleague just as I was going to pick her up and was half way through eating. I left it as well it’s food but feel slightly annoyed that she knew I was cooking and could have said something not last second, or told her colleague that I had already cooked food or something. I let it go because it’s easier but what would you do?

  1. She’s your girlfriend, not your partner.

    You said you were cooking for her “this week”. Did you do that mon-wed? Would this have been the 4th meal that you would’ve made for her? If so, did the other 3 go smoothly?

  2. Was this a special date? Did she know you had already started cooking?

  3. I would have just let her enjoy her evening and pack the food up for lunch or dinner the next day.

  4. I would be annoyed as well. The polite thing to have done would have been to take a rain check with her colleague and ask to do dinner with them next week.

    I think that if she knew you were cooking – she was being inconsiderate of your time and effort.

  5. I would be irritated also, it’s pretty disrespectful. Your SO should be a higher priority then a work collogue.

  6. If it wasn’t a scheduled date and she didn’t cancel on your plans, I don’t see why she can’t eat your food the next day or some other day. Is it freezable?

  7. Tell her to not to be so forgetful next time, sternly. This happened to me and it really annoyed me.

  8. At some point you’ll get tired of such blatant disrespect. If the co-worker was a man, her stuff would be on the front lawn. If you get over it, you’ll only be getting over on yourself. Show some self respect.

  9. Well she made it pretty clear where her priorities are, and they’re not with you LOL

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