People who’ve gotten out of a porn addiction, how’d you do it?

  1. During the half a year that I was clean the main thing that helped me was my motivation. I had strong motivation then, I wanted to turn my life around so that I’d be good enough for a female friend that I had a massive crush on. Unfortunately after she rejected me quarantine happened and I relapsed, because I was stuck alone in my house with my motivation gone.


    So I guess the first thing that needs to be done is to look at your motivation to stop this addiction. Focus on this motivation, and remind yourself of it whenever you feel yourself failing.


    Also maybe don’t go cold turkey, wean off of it lol. Wish I could take my own advice but hell, I can’t get past the finding motivation part.

  2. Purge app – it has a little doggie as the logo – use to block adult content – turn the nsfw thing on for Reddit so you don’t accidentally see any porn

    Keep yourself busy

    Try new things


  3. I joined my local chapter of wankers anonymous, we meet bi-weekly down the local pub, get loaded and then head to a nearby knocking shop for a treatment session, it’s a pricey option but you learn so much from the seasoned professionals and the girls you date really appreciate the skills you learn

  4. Date a ninja. They will hide in your ceiling and whisper death threats.

  5. Realized it was fucking with my head and my relationships and downloaded various apps and software to block and censor it.

    Started working out and reading books instead of jacking off.

    Been clean for about 3 years now.

  6. When was in my late 20s I lost 3.5 TB of porn in a drive failure, but I secretly wanted to break free from it so that was the catharsis I needed.

  7. I fucked up my shoulder and now I have a job where I already stress my shoulders so the pain made me stop

  8. Tried pouring bleach in my eyes, but just got addicted to erotic audiobooks instead.

  9. I attend the church of Jesus Christ Addiction recovery meetings. They licensed and adjusted the 12 step guide book from Alcoholics anonymous and use it as a general addiction recovery guide. Meetings are free and you can join zoom calls if there isn’t one close by. No need to be a member but it is Christ centered.

    Other things that helped:
    Regular/intermittent Fasting (religous or not)
    A sponsor
    Occupying your mind with other things (hobbies/work etc)
    The book The Power of Habit
    Professional counseling (too expensive for my taste) but it helped
    Learning to identify my own emotions

  10. Getting a girlfriend who loves sex helps a lot. I watch porn from time to time, but I ain’t letting it control my life.

  11. If I’m constantly watching porn and masturbating I become depressed and apathetic, and since I’m a glutton by nature it’s difficult as hell to do either of those things in moderation. So I stopped watching porn and masturbating altogether and realized being low-key horny all the time keeps me in a way better mood.

    I don’t buy into the bullshit they sell in the NoFap subreddit, but for me personally, abstaining from porn and jacking off works really well.

  12. Is it an addiction or just that we are men? However when you say addiction. How often are we talking? Are we neglecting regular life for this?

  13. not that I have an addiction myself, but if I did, searching through the dozen other posts on subject would be a good starting point instead of posting a new question every couple of weeks.

  14. 1. Worked on my self-esteem/self-talk. Porn has been an escape for me from my own negativity. Making my mind a less negative place made me more willing to stay there.

    2. Instead of quitting cold turkey, I changed how I consumed porn to be less self-destructive. I made a conscious effort to get it over with quickly before I could get in to some comfortable porn-watching zone. One way I did that was watching it in the bathroom instead of in my room.

    3. I made a conscious effort to have more of a social life, mostly by signing up for sports. Another thing that drove me to porn was a lack of connection with people, particularly women.

    It starts with self-acceptance not self-hatred. It’s almost paradoxical but pressuring yourself to quit porn isn’t going to help you change. You’ll just go around and around making yourself miserable while feeling like there must be something wrong with you.

    Instead you have to accept yourself – flaws and all – and work to help yourself become less reliant on porn. You’ll have your own issues to work through and you can’t expect your behavior to change quickly but you can iron it out over time. That’s the way positive change happens for many of us.

  15. Found better things to spend my time on… and erotic writing! So much better than porn!

  16. Luckily with me it hadn’t had much time to establish, so I just stopped. I’ve been clean for about the past 8 or 9 weeks now.

  17. I came to realize that the person I’m preparing myself to meet won’t be able to compete with what was 600GB of porn (back in 2017). So, I deleted it.

    I still come and go from various content. I’m just not attached to it anymore. Took a few years, but was worth it.

  18. Got a girlfriend, had sex, realized I’m aromantic and basically asexual, stopped masturbating. Just lost interest for sex and romance after testing it. What a nuthead I was for thinking that it was something I “needed” to feel better.

    My platonic feelings seems to be as strong if not stronger than others feeling for romance though. 🙁

  19. Getting fed up with it. Suddenly all the pussies and boobs look the same. Like..yeah whatever another piece of skin. wow, much sexy, very cool…meh…boring, what next?

  20. I had to quit 6 times before I could stay off. The best thing I did was read up on the side effects of it, holy shit that scared me straight. Erectile dysfunction, lowered testosterone, impaired cognition and memory and it can cause you to become attracted to only the porn and insidiously reduce response to real women, yikes! I just simply didn’t give in to the urge after enough practise. “Yeah duh”, I know, it’s hard to describe but don’t make excuses for yourself like “this is the last time” or “I’ll start tomorrow”, no, you will start right now, if you are about to, then don’t, make the most recent time the last time.

  21. Realizing porn is hella addicting is the first step. Then using software to block it as much as you can will help at first. But in the end it’s a lifestyle change. Exercise more, focus on school or work. It’s even harder when you’re single because the internet often tells you we all *have* to get that sexual release and without a relationship you should use porn. Bullshit. If you really can’t focus without jerking off, you can do it without porn. If that becomes a problem you might have another addiction.

  22. You’d be surprised how much eating better can help.

    Dropping empty calories, sugars, and carbs from your diet can help a ton.

  23. Getting a girlfriend with a ridiculous sex drive and using her instead of my hand, dont worry shes all for it.

  24. Was “with” a girl for the first time in a long time, probably what started the addiction, and I couldn’t get it up. I was so frustrated and angry and embarrassed but she was nothing but kind, even though she was secretly harboring thoughts it might be her body I was unattracted to.

    This was how I discovered PIED. So the motivation to stick it in her 🙂 made me stop jacking to porn cold turkey. 3 months later, with a couple of relapses, I finally did. Happiest moment of my life.

  25. Sex drive slowly dwindled with age.

    As did the acceptance to be single for the rest of my days. Sex is only addictive when you either have plenty of it or recently had plenty of it.

    Then after a while, it’s just something else that can entertain you if you ever happen to think about it.

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