I am overweight- 5’3” and 270lbs. Yet, I am happy, content and secure. I am not pressuring myself at all to loose weight. Being a thoughtful person and good listener are the habits I am working on. Also, I have social anxiety and getting out is my social emotional exercise for now. Anyone, happy, yet not skinny? Please share!

  1. Its not healthy to be overweight.
    As Socrates said and I quote “It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

  2. Miserable people are going to flock to this post no doubt, but OP your post made me smile.
    Our value is based on so much more than a number on the scale 🙂

  3. The two words are non relatable . How can weight decide your happiness . But surely you are lazy and your health is in danger . And it even doesn’t mean that loosing weight will make you sad , while there are chances that it makes you even more happy . Your post is the reason that makes me laugh at each and every western propaganda’s . In india we say take care of your body before your house , because it’s the house you have to stay in lifelong . 👉 The another ancient indian saying is “pehla sukh nirogi kaya , duja sukh ghr me ho maya , tija sukh putr agyakari “ which means first form of pleasure is fit body with no diseases , 2nd form of pleasure is having 💰wealth , 3rd form of pleasure is your loyal and caring son . Which means health can not give you joy but health itself is a form of pleasure,joy. (But surely bad health can give you sadness)

  4. I’m sorry ppl are telling you to loose weight🙄, but I suppose that should be expected. All I can say is I’ve been skinny my whole life and can tell you right now it doesn’t make you happy.

  5. An overweight person who is excluded and stresses about being overweight all the time will surely not have a happy, long life. An overweight person who has other people and can be calm and will do far better.

    All these people telling you how unhealthy it is would be the first to snap at somebody telling them to stop smoking or stop eating meat.

  6. You should actually worry and be not happy. Of course its good to be happy about him/herself. But would you be happier if you would be skinnier? If yes then this should be your goal to become more happy. You will achieve your goals if you are not happy with your current situation and you try to change something. So this is why you should actually worry

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