Men of reddit , why life is hard ?

  1. Because “life is suffering”. That’s what the Buddhists say.

    The Christians worship a cross… a symbol of suffering.

    Doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor… everyone you know is going to die. Probably painfully. Including you.

    To live is to suffer. The question is, what can you do to justify that suffering?

    Maybe the answer to that is to bear it on your shoulders, and make the world a better place. That’s what religion concluded at least.

  2. Because that’s life. We as mankind are constantly in conflict with nature. Weather that’s physical nature i.e. the world around us, or our personal nature. We seek out these conflicts both subconsciously and consciously because we need to overcome things and achieve. Through that we condition ourselves to work through harder and more complex challenges in the promise of better and more enjoyable rewards. Life is hard, but you will become harder.

  3. A wise man once said:

    “Life is like a Shit Sandwich – the More bread you have, the easier it is to swallow”

    Sage advice indeed

  4. Sometimes I think it’s better to be naive or ignorant. The more goals and expectations you set the higher the pressure, stress, and anxiety you’ll have. Try not to take things so seriously. We’re all gonna die in the end lol

  5. Life is hard because we’re conditioned to believe we need to make commitments.

    We need to get a degree. We need to get married. We need to have kids. We need to have a big house in a desirable neighbourhood. We need to have cars, an RV, the kids need activities. All of those, particularly added up, are huge commitments, that you can’t easily back out of. But here’s the question to ask. How much are those commitments benefiting you and how much are they benefiting someone else?

    If you want all those things, great, go for it. But make sure it’s you wanting all those things and not society, or your partner, or your parents, telling you your opinion.

  6. For what organism is life easy? Just because we’ve developed a degree of self awareness and technology doesn’t mean we’re elevated above the reality that life is suffering.

  7. survival takes competency and also consistently.

    sometimes rules of the environment change. you have to be able to keep up.

    there is also personal growth in the process of survival.

  8. Because life is what you want to make of it. Unless you are the lucky few born into a life of privilege, it is survival out there and life is not about fairness or kind.

    Some people may want to give up and live the simple life, and that may be their answer to happiness. But if you want some of the finer things, you may have to put in the work for it, and that is what makes it hard. Like Buddha said, it is your desires that cause one to suffer, and he may be partially right about that.

  9. It’s life.
    It’s hard, and it won’t get any better.

    What becomes better is us. We must strive to better ourselves every day, so we can be thriving.

  10. Teach your kids to be strong. Then nothing much will affect them they will have the tools to face this life.
    Don’t try to keep them safe and shelter them from reality.

  11. I’d say most people make it harder than it needs to be. Oh, I popped out 2 kids within 18 months of each other & also wasn’t married and don’t have help. Oh, I’m struggling to find work – but never bothered to develop any skills or finish school (nor am I willing to move where the work is). Oh, I’m swimming in debt but damn check out the $40-50K quad cab pick-up in front of my trailer. Oh, I’ve got an STD but I was banging anything that moved. Oh, I’ve picked a 3rd douche bag partner who treats me like crap!!


    I’m not saying there still aren’t things out of your control, recessions – unexpected job layoffs, health issues (unrelated to obesity, drug use, tobacco etc. as again those are something you can control), death of a love one etc. In those moments, definetly life can kick you in the nut sack. However, for most people those are temporary stumbling points that you simply get thru and within the entire scope of your life – just represents a small amount of time.

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