I’m (25M) travelling and staying in hostels, but met a girl (25F) and we travelled together for a couple of days and I feel like I really like her. She’s always happy to hang out with me, we’ve been for a couple of meals together alone and had fun, and she’s always laughing at my jokes.

I’ve noticed that she’s often texting someone with hearts next to their name (there’s a guy in her own profile picture) with lots of long messages so I got the impression she was taken so didn’t progress from that. But the other day, we were at a bar with a few people, and she mentioned she was single so I’m now sure what to make of it — whether to ask her out, or to leave it since I think she might be seeing someone back in her town? I suppose I’m worried about ruining our friendship if I acted too hastily

  1. She’s most likely in a long distance relationship or has Fwb. One or both.

    Based on being single. Maybe, she got out of a relationship. Try to move a move. If you dont, someone else will. If it doesn’t work, remain friends.

    Try in a flirty and sarcastic way tho.

  2. Girls always have attention from men; she might be single, but sure she has other satellites trying to get her. That’s just how the women’s reality is. The best way to act with a woman is to keep moving forward but never push. That means you should never be stuck in one relationship stage for too long. So, this is the perfect time to ask her out. I’m entirely sure she already knows you like her. If she declines the invitation without proposing another time and day, you have your almost straight answer if she’s interested or not.

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