Been flirty with this girl for weeks, we’re both equally flirty with each other and have made plans with each other and bla bla. She’s been openly flirty as well, like calling me cute and making sexual remarks and all that. You get the idea. We were also going back and forth all day texting, everything was great.


Everything was fine until one weekend the texting on her end would slow down. Would see her online all day on instagram but she’d be giving me short replies or just liking my responses with no actual message. It kind seemed like I was bothering her and she was busy, so after many attempts of tryna strike up a convo I just stopped and let her be.


I haven’t attempted to reach out to her the next day, or the day after that(no messages from her btw), and I was kind of just thinking of sitting back and giving it like a week or so and seeing if she even hits me up at all. If she doesn’t after an entire week, I was going to just remove her from my social media and move on.


Is this too extreme? Am I self sabotaging potential relationships or is this a reasonable thing to do?

  1. Dude, I can honestly say, if a woman wants you, she’ll make it known.

    It’s definitely not extremely to move on. If anything, I’d say it would be silly not to.

  2. Hey, I don’t think blocking/removing her from you social media is necessary. I wouldn’t overthink it. Let things be. People have lives. Things come up. Etc. The lesson it took me forever to learn in my dating life is that it’s “it’s not always about you.” Who knows what’s going on in their lives. Maybe they had a stressful week at work, etc. Who knows?

    With regards to etiquette, funnily enough I think it’s city/country-dependent. In NYC the max messages without a reply is 2. i.e. You message the person, they don’t reply. Wait a bit (a few days, a week), and you can message again. But if they don’t reply to the second, it’s time to let it be.

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