Okay so this woman (28F) and I (34M) went on a couple of dates when I was fresh out of a long term relationship. They went really well. But I think she was worried about being a rebound.

She would send me goodnight and good morning texts and be super friendly asking questions etc. Then she became a little distant (still texting once a day) and after a couple of weeks I gave her a call and said “hey I like you” when I said that she said she hadn’t considered anything between us, and that she’s still getting over a relationship, and that she wants to give me some space – just a heap of mixed signals really.

Anyways, afterwards we’d still text every second or third day and she’d wish me a good day or a good weekend depending on when it was in the week.

Recently she has been super distant, and I’m pretty sure she has been seeing someone, but she’s still wishing me a good day and weekend etc.

I think she’s keeping me around for if that relationship fails she’ll monkey branch to me…?

I’m probably a little sensitive still due to coming out of my relationship, and do you think she may not be coming outright because of this reason?

1 comment
  1. A couple weeks and she hasn’t considered anything? She hasn’t even entertained the thought? Why is she going on dates with you?

    If y’all are both fresh out of relationships maybe you both should give each other a chance to breathe.

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