so i am a senior in high school and i have had the same friend group since the first year. of course, some people left it but i still hang out with 4 girls during breaks at school and honestly i do not like them.

the main one who is in all my classes makes jokes about my insecurities then she cries when someone makes a joke about her and she always follows me around and gets mad when i don’t go to school or when i don’t want to hang out with her during breaks. i feel like a joke when i am around these people.

the other girls i am not really worried about unfriending because they are not in my classes and they like to hang out separately. i am just worried about the main girl. she makes everything about herself. like someone will start telling a story then she will jump in and tell a similar story. she thinks we are best friends but i know for a fact she can not tell me my favourite song, movie, artist, stuff i like and don’t like and my interests because she always talks about herself.

i am also a very insecure person. i don’t have more friends so that’s why i am still with these girls and i lack social skills because i am not confident and everyone has already made their friend groups so it’s not like i can join a different friend group now. i also don’t know how to make new friends and i am pretty sure people at school think i am weird because i don’t really socialise with new people.

i just know if i don’t drop these friends now i am going to regret it after high school but i don’t have anyone else to hangout with at school, i don’t know how to make friends and i don’t want to be alone during class/breaks.

1 comment
  1. Personally I’d just distance yourself and maybe and this is a strong maybe say that you’ll hang out with them again once they act like decent people

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