TLDR: How can I show that I want to mend things without just saying “I’m sorry” and taking responsibility?

My husband is upset at me and I desperately want things to be better but everytime in the past I try to apologize it seems to shut him down more and delay the time until he will speak with me again. The reason he is mad is because last night when I got home from work I didn’t come in and cuddle with him before he had to leave for work. I thought he was still asleep so I didnt want to take his sleep from him but then he came out of the bedroom and made a comment about me not coming and spending the few minutes between his shift and my shift with him. Now he hasnt opened any of my messages for the whole night. I want to show I’m remorseful but I think straight up apologizing will just annoy him. How should I proceed to make things better and get him to communicate again?

  1. He is the one who should think about how he is acting.

    What should have happened is him mentioning that he wished you two would have cuddled in the window you and then you saying that you’ll try to remember the next time in similar situation. And that should have been it

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