I only get male interaction online. Only guys from tinder or twitter seem to want to talk to me and be open about their interests. But they never seem to want to move things along. Most of the guys just want to hook up, which is ok, but I am tired of it.

My friends often tell me that people feel intimidadated by me. But when people come talk to me in real life I try to be nice and receptive. I don’t know what to do anymore.

  1. Ask your friends to give you feedback on exactly what they believe is intimidating about you

  2. I honestly think so much of dating now being focused online has caused people not to know how to interact from a dating perspective in person, especially when it comes to meeting people organically.

    Don’t be afraid to be the initiator if you meet someone, some guys can’t take subtle hints 🙂

  3. I would guess you’re very attractive and it’s the intimidation factor. Online it’s so easy to swipe & start a conversation because if you get rejected then so what. Guys in person though must see how attractive you are and think “Yeah I don’t have a shot” so they don’t bother approaching you. I’m in a relationship & I act the same way with every girl/ woman.

    When I text or talk over the phone, it’s how I would act in person & what I would say in person but not every guy does that.

  4. As a young man I was scared shitless of attractive, self confident women 😂 but with age comes wisdom.

    Self confidence is the most important and attractive thing a woman can be.

    I’d say you just haven’t found a man mentally mature enough to realise this.

    Good luck and be yourself !

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