Fellow men, how do you feel when somebody asks you about your salary?

  1. Only the IRS and the bank has ever asked me directly.

    Everyone else is a little more subtle and tries to scavenge that information from the classic “so what do you do?” discussion.

  2. First my facial expression will give a “None of your Effing business” vibe, if the question is asked again, I’ll use my words to express my thoughts.

  3. Pretty much never happens, only when applying for certain things do I get asked. In situations where its more broadly discussed I go no further than “I make enough to keep a roof over my head”

  4. It depends on who is asking and the situation. If it makes sense to share for the situation, I don’t have a problem sharing.

  5. If it’s in a dating context, I’ll be honest but vague

    If she needs to know in more detail I’ll not make any long term plans around her

  6. Never really happens. My friends and I are open about that kind of stuff but we also don’t really care, so I don’t think anyone has an exact number but we roughly know who’s on the lower end, middle end, and higher end, and help each other out a little bit here and there accordingly.

  7. I overstate every time unless the relationship is serious. I will always not earn enough no matter how much I say.

  8. Insulted. There’s more to life than money.

    Nothing pisses me off more when that’s the first thig that comes out of someone’s mouth ‘ what do you do for a living? How much you earn ‘

  9. Depends. Random people on the street don’t need to know.

    Friends or workplace can know it to the cent.

    It is important to talk about it.

  10. It’s similar to asking about your dick size.

    Sadly, in terms of salary I can’t exactly offer an overly satisfying answer.

  11. My husband and I are going on seven years together and I’ve never asked him about his salary because it doesn’t matter to me. Obviously when we first started dating the subject of what each others jobs were came up, but salary didn’t. We do okay, we don’t live a fancy or extravagant life together but we want for nothing. We both have similar ideas on wanting a simple life. I think it’s important to find a partner who wants the same type of lifestyle as you. We have a lot of similar views on things.

  12. Depends who’s asking.

    Strangers and extended family members don’t need to know.

    Red flag if someone’s asking on a first date, but good discussion to have when we’re serious enough to be thinking about moving in together.

    Not something I’d voluntarily share with friends or coworkers, but I wouldn’t demur if asked.

  13. I blur it out. Compare yourslef to me, see where you and me stand. Are you underpaid? Am I? We should be discussing our wages like it’s the goddamn weather.

  14. I wouldn’t answer that question if asked. That’s nobody’s business. I would feel like the person asking has poor manners and is low class.

  15. I don’t like it. at best I’d refer someone to industry standards. “well, if you were doing X with 5 years experience now, you could probably make around $xxx”

  16. Depends on whos asking. Rando at the bar or someone genuinely interested?

    I made 121900USD last year.

    Someone I’m dating or attempt to woo romantically? Why in the ever loving fuck are you asking me? If that is a dating requirement I must make X amount of money, you can go pound sand.

  17. It depends on who’s asking. But my first reaction is always feeling awkward talking about it.

    Mind you, I do earn decent enough and so I can flex if I think the situation is such.

  18. None of their business. Period. I’ve been dating my gf for over a year and she still has no idea what I make.

    She knows I do well from my standard of living but I will not discuss details.

    The moment someone questions me I will tell them once, I am not discussing it. They ask again ,then it’s peace out. We are done.

  19. I’m a teacher, so unless it’s a fellow teacher asking I get suspicious. My salary gets used by both sides of the political divide for a talking point. To one group I’m not paid nearly enough and deserve more (which I won’t disagree with, obviously, but it’s an exhausting conversation) and to another I’m a lazy bum who gets two months off a year and doesn’t deserve what I do get paid.

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