I often feel like I hold eye contact for to long during conversations at work and socially. I’ll just find a random object to look at quickly, just to seem more “normal”. Do you experience this? Are you ever on the receiving side of “to much eye contact”? What’s that like?

  1. If I don’t feel like making eye contact/it’s not a serious convo but more so random small talk I tilt my head towards them while I’m doing what I’m working on

    If it’s a serious talk I drop all my shit & look for sure

    If I’m on break then I look at them normally but relaxed

  2. I usually follow their eye contact pattern. Sometimes, we flow very similar and if they are having a casual conversation they won’t notice or pay mind to it, neither do I.

    Sometimes I have very aggressive staring matches until someone breaks (while of course trying to still converse).

    If you jerk your head to quickly, it becomes way more suspect that you’re conscious of the “staring.” Like you caught yourself staring or something.

  3. Has someone told you you do? I wouldn’t worry about it. If I’m talking to someone who holds eye contact longer than average I just figure it’s their personality; just like if someone avoids eye contact.

  4. There is no right answer. It varies from person to person. You have to read the cues and react accordingly

  5. If I am speaking, or being spoken to, I make eye contact. I find it uncomfortable, but as someone who works with a lot of big corporate guys at a hotel, and do sales as a part time gig, it helps show confidence and control. It also shows that you are interested and paying attention.

  6. It’s a balance, that’s for sure. I’ve had convos with people who held eye contact too long, like they’re waiting for something more from me. But you also don’t want it to seem like youre bored by what they’re saying by constantly looking away. I pay really close attention to people when I’m conversing with them, but I try to avoid keeping my eyes locked on them while keeping an appropriate amount of contact

  7. Ahhh never think about it! It’s one of those things that once you start thinking about, you will never know what is/was “the normal” amount! All I can suggest is really focus on what people are saying even if it’s mundane shit to take your mind off it.

    I just noticed I tend to look at people when they start to speak or start a new sentence then look away for the rest of the sentence it seems to help with understanding.

  8. Open your eyes as wide as you can and smile. Hold off blinking as much as you can also. It will lull her into seduction

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