we’ve known one another for like 3 years, yet i can’t even hold a conversation with most of them, let alone being close with any of them. I just realised today some people can just randomly walk up to someone/ a group of classmates and strike or join a conversation casually, or just joking around about random stuff really. I’m very quiet so anyone rarely talks to me which is understandable i guess. I’m also too scared to join any conversations because i’ll probably either be unwelcome, or say something really awkward and add nothing to the conversation, and it’d just be out of character for me to chime in. I know i don’t have to blend in or anything, it’s just that my classmates seem to be pretty good people, it’d be cool to know them more and i don’t want to spend my last year of high school isolating myself. any advice welcome, thanks so much!

1 comment
  1. Honestly I’m a shy guy myself, but I feel like it’s more about just doing something and getting the fear factor out of the way, get the initial embarrassment of meeting people out of the way. After that, trying to find groups that are treating you with a similar respect, that u are giving them is key. For being one with ur classmates just don’t over think it as much and just say what’s on ur mind. Just don’t overthink and be u be real. Keep trying

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