Fellow men, how do you deal with feeling bad everyday to actually do the work?

  1. i remember that it doesn’t matter how i feel, that if it needs to be done, it needs doing.

  2. What’s your other choice? Give up? That’s not an option. Every day is an exercise in overcoming yourself.

  3. Man up. Are you talking mentally or hurt or sick?

    I have obligations I have invited
    Incurred. I have a family dependent on me. It’s not a question. I can work, therefore I will to meet those obligations.

    But I’m already counting the years until I can change careers. House should be paid for about the same time last kid is done with school.

  4. Because the last words I heard from some people extremely important to me were “I’m scared” and “I feel alone”

    So there isn’t a choice for me – I might be pissed off, tired, and hurting, but I’m going to make damn sure nobody I care about ever says that again.

    As for *how I deal with it*, I’ve found that just being open about my problems or worries makes me experience them less. The great majority of them I already know the answer to, I just need to *talk* through it.

    Nobody will ever care about you or actually listen if you don’t give them the full opportunity. You can’t half-ass it.

  5. Compartmentalization. It’s the only way to find a moments happiness in today’s world. Make as many compartments as you need. Make sure to keep an empty one around.

  6. i dont mean disrespect by this but if your able to feel to bad to work then you have it decently easy, most people i know including me have to work because people reply on us. but this is a good way to deal with it

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