I am not much of a fan of social media, i talk to people irl just fine, it’s nothing exceptional, but people often include me in group chats and I just don’t know how to deal with them

So tbh I barely if ever talk on any gc. I avoid them like fire. Also, I don’t use insta for social purposes, and snapchat is not really popular in my country. So i have zero posts and don’t engage with others on any social media

Sending text msgs are also not my thing, i hate video and phone calling too. I do not under any circumstances send audio msgs. I get it. I’m weird. Should I change and use social media more? I feel like it is hindering my social life considerably

  1. I know a few people who have no social media presence and nothing is different about my relationship with them as opposed to my friends with social media

  2. Texts and calls are different. However, when I purged my social media following (yes, at one point, I wasnt following or friending ANYBODY across all platforms), I was able to focus on being in the moment with those around me.

    Most of them understood, the ones who didn’t were my family and former shooting partner. And oh boy, did they let me know. My family thought I thought they were boring or uninteresting, however they all let this single thought get so far ingrained in their psyche, that when I explained I was tired of the rat race of gaining followers, they wouldn’t listen.

    My former shooting partner was toxic all around, so unfollowing him broke something in his head.

    Now, I barely use it. Got a sizeable following across platforms too. But I’ll upload posts when I want and I just enjoy staying in the moment

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