I’ve been on the internet long enough that I think I’ve seen every common way to ask a potential partner out, ridiculed and shunned. Cold approaches, starting as friends, through social clubs or hobbies, at work and dating apps. I’ve seen each of those with a comment of “ew, don’t do that, thats the worst”

So, askmen, what are the best arenas for asking someone out?

  1. Those types of responses can be seen anywhere. Doesn’t change the fact that women won’t do the hard work themselves. So it just becomes a numbers game to find the one that appreciates the effort.

  2. It depends on where you are but I thjnk At&T Stadium in Dallas, Madison Square Garden in New York or Capitol One Arena in Washington are the best

  3. I don’t think there’s going to be a clear consensus on this. Through the reddit filter you’ll read constantly “don’t shit where you eat,” meaning: don’t date co-workers, and yet i’ve known so many couples that had/have successful marriages from meeting at work. I knew a guy, he and his wife were awesome people and a great couple. I asked how they met. They both laughed and said, “at the grocery store.” They kept running into each other around the same time stopping in on the way home from work, and just started to friendly chat. It started from there. But overall probably, and I’m open disagreement, some sort of social situation can be a good circumstance. A lot of people met at church. Perhaps common interests and hobbies. But there’s also the setting up family members with people you know. My younger sister got our 2 older sisters married. She introduced our oldest sister to her college roommate’s older brother. Thwy got married.Then she introduced our next oldest sister to her husband’s childhood best friend. They got married. There’s just so many of the usual ways that’s not through apps. But the biggest help in this, is to just be sociable yourself.

  4. All the “ew, don’t do that” comments are just confessions of where people got their harshest or most frequent shoot-downs.

    I’ve had the best luck at friends’ parties and being a bar regular on a night of the week where someone who was interested could predictably come back and “just happen to run into me.”

  5. You can only get a girlfriend if you draw all five pieces of Exodia.

    Edit: Wrote the wrong number

  6. Ma dude, just do it where ever you see someone you like, you got get comfortable with the uncomfort.

  7. I’ve actually noticed the BG’s are best due to higher volume of toons. Although watch out for those sneaky fucking gnomes

  8. I think it depends on the girl and where you’re most comfortable doing it. Personally I like starting as friends because I’m not comfortable getting to know someone any other way. I know that can get me friend zoned but I want someone I can be friends with first before getting more serious. And because I suck at cold approaches, and dating apps.

  9. I’ve asked women out in all these scenarios except for work, and had success and rejection in all of them. If it’s men telling you ew don’t do that, then they either had rejection there and think that means it’s a no go for everyone, or they just have no idea and are afraid to try anything besides ‘sliding into DMs’ lol and if it’s women telling you ew don’t do that, then they can just stop complaining that men don’t approach or make a first move anymore, ball can be in their court now.

  10. I would say Fenway Park. It’s the smallest baseball stadium in the country, and there’s plenty in the area for an “instant date.”

  11. If you listen to reddit, nowhere, ever. Girls don’t want to be bothered at the store/gym/walking the dog/bar/club (only there for their friends!)/hiking/restaurant.

    You get back to your App so people can verify you are a real person and not a creep and don’t you dare not have social media because that is just shady.

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