Whether life advice, morals, etc.

1) Take the time to learn a little about a lot , knowledge is power.
2) Never be an attacker or a victim. Protect yourself and those you love.
3) Always confide in me for advice. You’re my best friends

  1. 1- treat everyone with respect, even if they do “non-appreciable jobs” like garbage collectors for example.

    2- Never lie about what u did, u thought that was the correct thing at the moment now face the consequences.

    3- Back off even if everyone is pressuring u, it’s not worth risking urself bc u are the only one that disagrees. If u have bad thoughts about it/gut feeling is against it don’t do it.

  2. Take care of your responsibilities, never ever put your hands on a woman and you always own up to your mistakes.

  3. 1) shave or have someone else because I was never taught an lost half my chin lol

    2) cook,sew,work on cars basic tool understanding ect. so they gave skills to run a house matian there stuff and function

    3)food excersise an diet since i struggle with my weig6

  4. 1) to have compassion 2) to be humble 3) secure a career/specialty earlier in life – ita makes things so much easier.

  5. 1. You can’t defeat the sun in Mortal Kombat
    2. You can’t defeat the moon in Mortal Kombat
    3. You can’t do anything good

  6. harden your hearts, have no friends, trust no woman. -Pharaoh, 10 Commandments

    Just kidding, if and that’s a big if, I had sons this is what I would teach them, Respect and obey God, love and care for your wife, and defend your country because right or wrong it is your country.

  7. Maybe not the 3 most important things but 3 things that I would teach

    1) Always work on improving yourself. Always work on yourself. Work on career, take care of your health, dress well, and eat well

    2) Hard work (but also work smart). I was gifted in school and never studied a single day. I could get 100 on just about any test I wanted and I never learned the value of hard work until I was paying thousands a semester in tuition. Turns out, showing up to class is a prerequisite to learning

    3) Be willing to ask for help – don’t try to reinvent the wheel when someone else has already figured it out a long time ago.

  8. 1. Be responsible or atleast sensible. Being irresponsible, skipping on your work might seem cool in school or college and everyone wants to be their friend but no one wants to be their project partner/work with them.
    2. I’m always gonna be there for you. When you muck up(everyone does) I want your first thought to be to ask me for help, not to be worried that I’d get angry or something.
    3. Take time to invest in yourself, financially and personally. Compound interest is a very powerful thing, and interest on both of these investments compound.

    These 3 things, I’m gonna make sure to teach my future kids.

  9. 1. Focus on the things you can control, not the things outside of your control.

    2. Take advantage of the little time you have on this earth. Death comes for us all, so it’s on us to make the most of our lives and to do the most good.

    3. Constantly practice introspection so that you can improve. Whether that be gaps in your knowledge, emotional trigger points, or mental imbalances, there are always places where we can be better.

  10. 1. No matter how crappy people are to you, be nice because the world needs more nice people.

    2. Know where you’re going. If you’re visiting anywhere you should do your research on where you’re staying and places to stay out of entirely.

    3. Family always comes first. No matter what happens in life you always gotta be there for family.

  11. 1. How to cook for yourself. Cabbages and Kings come and go, but one who can cook will always be valued. If not, you are one big step towards personal independence that those who refuse to learn will never achieve. Also, I’ve often heard it said that there is nothing sexier than a man in the kitchen.
    2. How to make and use a bow, and wield at least one archaic melee weapon or martial art. Archery is a useful hunting and defense measure, since as-of-yet the Government hasn’t yet banned the manufacturing and use of bows. Also, you can make bows as items to sell at farmer’s markets and online. As to the melee weapon/martial art: I’ve met many people who can’t defend themselves or others and simply cower when confronted with wrongness and aggression. I will not have a child of mine be a defenseless coward who is of no help to anybody. I am also a strong believer of the concept of “Never start a fight, but make damn sure you finish it.”
    3. Teach them the Bible and Ramon Llull’s The Book of the Order of Chivalry. If they get nothing else from it, at least both of these books have moral codes and guidelines to make themselves better people.

    And as an FYI, I’d teach this stuff to any daughters God chooses to bless me with as well.

  12. 1. Be a man of your word.
    2. Read, read, read- literacy is the key to so many doors in life.
    3. Know how to throw a baseball accurately- it’s remarkable how often this skill will turn out to be useful off the field.

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