Because I know this question will rise up: you would have the baby via c section

Edit: concerned with the amount of comments saying something along the lines of men not wanting to have children come out of their urethras. Is it not common for men to know what a C Section is?

  1. Nope, it has to come out and having a catheter inserted hurt like a mf’er, so a 9 pound baby coming out isn’t happening.

  2. Hell yeah that’s my little man or princess. Cool ass battle scar after. I’d walk around shirtless sayin this my son. I’d fit in with half the guys downtown besides. There was a pregnant guy on Ellen once when we were kids XD How’d he fare?

  3. Yes because trusting a woman to do it right is harder. You know the old saying “if you want a job done right, ask a man”

  4. >Is it not common for men to know what a C Section is?

    Everyone knows what a C sec is but I don’t think people would bother reading past the title lol

  5. If a man could get pregnant then why would they need to have a c section? Why wouldn’t they be able to birth it? Wouldn’t make sense from a biology stand point for a man to have the ability to get pregnant but not the ability to birth it naturally.

  6. I wouldn’t be excited about pregnancy and childbirth, but *I’d do it.* I’m a team player. Maybe we could take turns? “You do this one, I’ll get the next one.”

  7. Yes, because I’m tired of women holding that over us.

    If I could carry a baby, I’d do it like a god damn champ!

  8. Absolutely! With nobody else to convince, I could grow anything I could engineer, not matter how little human DNA remains after my changes…

  9. Nope. I’ve known too many women through their pregnancies for me to have any desire to go through that myself.

  10. If both genders could get pregnant? What if the moon was actually made of cheese like in Wallace and grommet?

  11. I don’t think most people *want* to carry a baby. That being said the only person I thought about having a baby with was my ex and I always said that if I could I would carry the baby if I could. Just cause she was a small lady and I’m a big dude, she was terrified of giving birth to a 10lb baby with a big head (me as baby) plus I did not care about scarring while she was very conscious of it.

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