Hi everyone,
Hope someone went through same and can share their experience.
So I (M in mid 20s) went out with this girl (early twenties) and we slept together few times and had protected sex but from things we’ve done she could have still got pregnant, anyways last week I told her that it wouldn’t work out between her and I and she went nuts! 21 missed phone calls! She came to my apartment and I didn’t let her get in because she wasn’t invited! I told security to not allow her in building! She started threatening and etc. She went absolutely crazy! Yesterday she texts me from another number that she’s pregnant and she thinks it’s me. I’m freaking out because there’s no way I want kid and especially with this woman, it’s a living hell for me! she calls she tells me she’s scared etc I ask her how she did the test she doesn’t give me straight answer. When did she find out about it etc… somehow it doesn’t make sense because the time she’d know she was pregnant ( which was day before) she wasn’t calling me or anything which she usually does not do, she always harassing me over the phone. So I tell her to go to hospital get tested there and see possibly abortion options and call me (as she lives in other town and I can’t be there). Ever since yesterday she hasn’t called or texted and I fee anxious it is possible she’s lying because she wants to keep me around… or she’s actually pregnant… I’d rather kill my self than have a kid and again especially with her!
What are your thoughts? Suggested actions? What do I do?

  1. The golden rule is not to stick your dick into crazy, and you failed miserably

  2. If you had protected sex, I don’t see how she can be pregnant. She hasn’t texted or called since you told her off because you didn’t go running when she claimed to be pregnant. If she does contact you again and claim you got her pregnant, tell her you will be getting a lawyer and will require a paternity test, and all further communication about this matter will have to go through your lawyer. And never stick your dick in crazy.

  3. Yeah I doubt she’s actually pregnant, I have known guys who can relate to this. Get a paternity test if she is and, especially, get an ultrasound from her —that you know is from a reliable source—. There’s a good chance she isn’t pregnant and is stringing you along cause she’s crazy and hurt.

  4. Two options, either she’s not pregnant or she got pregnant from some other guy and she’s trying to pawn it off on you. There is the slight possibility that she used a discarded condom to impregnate herself (You do flush them right?) but it’s unlikely. Try to go to a doctor with her to confirm it, but honestly you’re probably fine.

  5. Literally had this happen like 10 times in my early 20’s and 0 of them turned out to be pregnant. Proof or don’t sweat it.

  6. I stuck my D in crazy and I got custody of my kids because she really fell off the wagon. Anyway to speak to your situation. Seems like she tried all she could to get to you and you have held your boundaries. That is good you held your boundaries. The problem is you don’t know if she is lying about having your kid. Best thing is to ignore things and let them progress. Tell her that you aren’t interested in being together. Do the responsible thing and tell her that in in nine months when the baby is born you want a paternity test. If it is yours than man up and be a dad. If she is truly crazy the kid will need stability in their life and I hope you are there to provide it if she isn’t lying and you are biological dad.

  7. You can get paternity tests before the kid is born. Demand one, and offer to pay. That may change her mind quickly. It is not a dangerous procedure as it is a venous blood test. Check into this, and have facts before she tried to say it is an amnio test, which can pose harm to a child.

  8. I don’t think she is pregnant. Block her & report her if you matched on a dating app. You used a condom plus it’s not THAT easy to get pregnant. Women are only able to get pregnant when ovulating like one day a month. Chances too slim. Block, ignore. Don’t engage.

  9. Honestly coming from a girl herself this Shitt is so scary for a guy to be stuck with a women he doesn’t wanna be with, also if she IS pregnant go WITH her to get a paternity test and if it is yours try and manipulate her into thinking you love and care for her and then slip in some You know what pills in her food and WALLLA two lives have been spared

  10. Shes lying dont worry about it. She wants you to get padlocked brother. If she really is pregnant she will post the test directly at you, do you wonder why she didnt? Because she has no fucking proof.You’ve saved yourself from another bullet , f this girl.

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