Hello all,

So I work a security type job for a high end retail store and I’ve caught the attention of a lot of females that work there. One in particular is very attractive to me and I just got her number today. For some ground info, I am 24 and she is 21. After swapping instagram’s I realized she had 18k followers. I am wondering if she just likes the attention or if she’s down for something more to happen on the low. She clearly gets a lot of attention from men so I’m wondering why she’s eyeing me. I know getting involved with coworkers is a huge mistake but I might risk it for this one lol) She seems interested in me enough to check me out, hang around my work area a lot, prolongs conversation, and says my sleeve is cute. Do I send it or just let it fizzle?

1 comment
  1. Being I’m right there with you cept my crush dint have any socials so I’d say just shoot your shot. Just ask her out after work to decompress and see where it takes you. Treat her like a normal person and she’s going g to wonder why you’re not coming in to her like the other thirsty dogs lmao

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