What’s the worst catfish experience you’ve ever had?

  1. I once saw a catfish eat another catfish, whole. They were red tail catfish. They came in the same size, one grew faster and ate the other.

  2. When I was ON MY WAY to meet her she told me she wasn’t the girl in the pictures. Since then I always wanna see pics and videos (maybe videocall) before meeting her

  3. My wife once told me she had hamburgers ready for dinner. Not only were they turkey burgers, but there were carrots inside the meat for “filling”. My life changed for the worse that day 🙁

  4. This girl took a serious Myspace angle in her pic but she was immensely fat like 250 lbs. After sex I had to roll twice to get off her

  5. Was chatting to this woman for a while, she had a great personality (it seemed) and we had many common interests. She also looked very attractive. When we met, she was at least 50kg heavier than she looked in pictures, she belched constantly, she got mad at the Macca’s dude even before checking her order and then she showed serious signs of obsession for her ex and her controlling nature. Shit was nuts so I was like hey bro I’m hungry I’ma go home and make a sandwich, never saw her again

  6. i’ve had the exact same experience with 100% of everyone I’ve met online.

    they always seem like happy, busy ppl.
    in reality, they only watch TV as soon as they get home from work and they always have some kind of untreated depression that they have no intention of taking care of.

  7. “Let me introduce you to my kids”

    Wait, what, plural, “kids”, uh what? These better be what they now call “fur babies”. Spoiler, they were not. And we were both pretty young.

    Yeah, they know they’re not getting a date if they’re a single mom, but… So that was the end of that “relationship”.

  8. the guy catfished me with a picture of himself in his 20’s (dating app age also set to 20’s) but he was actually in his mid 30’s and about 50kgs heavier.
    It was so akwkard, he’d keep saying things like oh the office life makes you get lots of money but also a couple pounds! no time for sports anymore!
    My first date ever too, so I didn’t know how to handle the situation eneded up sitting through it till I could muster an excuse on why I had to go.

  9. A little over a decade ago, I got a text message from a number I didn’t recognize.

    *”Hey, you dont know me but I’m [name] and I’m friends with [actual best friend’s name]. I wanted to get him a Christmas present, do you have any ideas? Don’t tell him I reached out to you”*

    Seemed harmless, but it was strange how she got my number. I gave her a few gift ideas. She continued to text me, mentioning she was in the same club, etc. Before too long, she was texting me daily. It was odd behavior but I always texted back just to be kind, and it turns out we had a lot in common. She started asking for little tidbits of info about my friend, which I felt were harmless at the time.

    After a month or two, she eventually confessed that she had feelings for my friend but he did not reciprocate, and she needed someone to talk to. I felt bad and let her vent. She sent me a picture of herself asking if I thought she was attractive. The picture certainly was. She called me and we talked for about two hours. She asked me to promise that I wouldn’t tell my friend about our conversation.

    We continued to talk for a few months, almost daily. She started getting a little flirty towards me, and then even asked if she could move in as a room-mate. I ignored it and slowly broke contact. Something just felt… off. Really off. I stopped texting back and let the dust settle. She continued to text 3-10 times and leave 1-2 voicemails every day for a month.

    One day about 3 months later, my friend called me. Turns out, some guy showed up at his work and attacked him with a machete. He was arrested. When he mentioned the name, I went “ohhhh crap.” The “girl” I had been talking to had the feminized version of the same name. “She” never existed. It was this dude the entire time. I was pretty embarrassed, especially since the voice on the phone sounded very feminine. I did a reverse image search on the photo “she” had sent me months prior and it was some random girl from Minnesota who had no clue that a nutcase was using her image.

  10. mine wasnt too nuts. girl showed up 3 ft wider than her pics. i mean..how are you supposed to react? “haha i see what you did. good one”?

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