We see friends of ours doing house renovations and getting excited about their social kitchen and garden bar, meanwhile we (couple, no kids) live in a 3 bedroom house with one bed, our couch just about seats two people and one dog, and we own two garden chairs. We think it sends the right message haha.

Anyway just got me curious, how guest-oriented is your house? Do you make furniture/decor decisions with guests in mind? Or have installed features purely with socialising/parties in mind?

  1. Our entire house feels like its specifically designed so that other people fuck off i mean no spare anything for guests and we decided to put the smallest tv in the house in the livingroom and we’ve moved 1 of our 3 couches up the stairs plus we have a pet bird who scares everyone

  2. It’s not. It’s not child-friendly, either. I decorated my home with me and my pets in mind, not other people or their kids.

  3. I don’t own a property yet but the ones I’m looking at have no facilities for guests. Property prices are too high here for that and I’d rather have my home as a retreat to get away from people and go out to socialise.

  4. Also a couple with no kids and we host a lot of parties at my house, just all that stuff gets put away. For example I have a large 10ft folding table for parties, but the rest of the time we use our small 4-people dining room table. My main living room sofa is a 2-seater but I also have a seating bench, multiple folding chairs and a few bean bags for when people come over. In my home office, I have a sofa bed.

    So I’d say that we primarily make our main furniture decisions based on what we’re going to be using, not guests. But we still have enough to throw a comfortable party!

  5. 2 adults in a 2 bed house, quite Guest ‘oriented’

    We have excess seating to allow for guests (6 seats across 2 sofas and a chair in living room), a 6 seater dinner table and a fold out bed in our home office.

    Although, as we’re the first of our friends to buy a house, we’re often the hosts for gatherings as we have the most space and a garden.

  6. Very guest orientated. A lot of the decor and furnishing has been done with thought for hosting people. Being able to host friends and family is a key thing I want from a home.

    But we are a couple with no kids. I’m sure one day when we have kids, more practical concerns will overtake.

  7. Two adults in a two bedroom house. We have enough space for socialising in the front room, the garden, and fitting 6-7 people around the dining table for when we cook for others. We also had the spare room as a guest room, but now it’s being occupied indefinitely.

  8. I’ve got enough seats for people to sit on, enough mugs if they want a drink (egg cups for shots), and enough bog roll to last a week.

  9. Yes I have done many things while renovating to allow summer garden partys/bbq’s or in winter house party’s. Eg new year eve.

  10. We only have two plates and no dining table, though plenty of booze and things to drink out of. So, fine if guests are happy to just stand up and drink…

  11. We chose this house to accommodate occasional guests, but it’s designed for the people who live here.

    So for example there are double doors between the dining room and front room so if we have a lot of people round (say Christmas Day) we can extend the table and fit everyone round it, or have a larger entertaining space. But most of the time the doors are kept shut and we keep the rooms separate.

    And now our children are having friends drop round more often, we’re making sure there’s a basket of sanitary products in the downstairs loo for guests caught short.

    The decorating and furniture choices are based on our needs and preferences above all. The sofa I’m sitting on is old now and a bit tatty but I find it comfortable!

  12. I have 3 bedrooms but I made one of them an office. I put a wall bed into that though so I still have 2 spare guest rooms if necessary. It’s usually only at Christmas though

  13. My “guest bed” is a folding camp bed my parents owned for years then dumped on me when I moved out.

    I own a small 2-seater sofa and 2 dining chairs.

    Any guests that visit over mealtimes will discover that I own 2 dinner plates, and generally wait until I’ve used both before I wash them. I do however own an abundance of cutlery.

    This is very definitely a one person house with no space or desire for guests.

  14. I have a lot of outdoor seating but that’s more because I wanted a few seating areas for me and the other half, rather than visitors!

    I did have a ‘spare room’ for people to stay the night, but I think the bed was only used about 3 times in 3 years so I’ve turned the room into a gym.

  15. We love having friends over, we have lots of mugs and glasses, we have two sofas opposite other, board games in view…. But also, if you want a cuppa you probably need to make it yourself, and you are so welcome to stay for dinner please chop these peppers, and if you want to sit down I’m really sorry you might just have to move some toys off the sofa.

    Our close friends who are round often are very happy with this, they absolutely make themselves at home

  16. Well I have a massive 80 inch TV and surround sound home cinema thing and in the middle of the 5 speakers is one solitary armchair.

    Many people have commented that my living room says a lot about me as a person.

  17. 2 adults in a 4 bed house… I don’t like guests but apparently they seem to like using our house for parties for kids etc.

    We bought a bigger house to facilitate WFH, ended up being a venue FFS haha.

    We have a guest bedroom with a double bed in it but I don’t mind the odd stay here and there. I mind 10 people in my house all bloody day.

    Not very child friendly, mind but it doesn’t need to be.

  18. We have a huge L shaped sofa that has 3 “guest seats”. They are the cushions that don’t face the TV and as we rarely use them they have maintained their puffiness so are good for guests to sit on and chat. We also have a downstairs toilet.

    The kitchen and utility are behind doors so it’s easy to do a quick living room blitz and give the downstairs toilet a clean at short notice so nobody sees the chaos of the rest of the house!

    No spare bedroom though so people can visit for a cuppa but that’s about it!

  19. Haha you could have been my husband writing this – he’s on here somewhere! Sounds like my house but with a outdoor corner couch – it’s strictly 2 person as we lie at either end!

  20. If pushed and if we *really* like you we’ll clear out one of the spare rooms and dig out the folding bed.
    We only have it as being able to isolate in early COVID seemed like a good idea.

    So far only one person has stayed over in the 5 years we’ve lived here lol.

  21. Fairly. We bought a second sofa for the living room that’s a sofa bed, which has been used a few times. We have a double bed in the spare room too. Means we can have the family for Xmas!

  22. We have enough chairs for those who live here so any guest would have to stand. The front door is blocked with shoes and bags so they would have to go around the back and knock as the battery in the doorbell is flat and I can’t be bothered to change it. The garden is also empty so again either stand or sit on the wet grass. Each console only has one controller. We have no alcohol or meat.

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