About 5 months ago I moved in with my friend, having to leave the current city i was living in due to financial reasons. I wasn’t stoked to moved back to a small town but I was no longer living alone.

We’ve only known each other since November of last year, which isn’t very long but enough time to get to know someone. The only way I can describe my time with her is magical. As we got to know each other more, we became close, starting to share the deeper parts of ourselves with each other that for the most part we didn’t share with anyone else.

Fast forward a few months, we had a drunken make out session while watching Mama Mia!, which we originally stopped there. However, not too long later we started having sex. At first it was A LOT, like multiple times a week, but it’s been awhile since that has happened.

She likes dressing me up in makeup and women’s clothes, which I think is fun. We cuddle pretty much every night and kiss each other multiple times during the day and before we say goodnight. Last night, she did this thing that absolutely made me lose my mind. We were watching a show on my bed, and she learned her head on my shoulder. It caught me off guard as I was eating, we do that all the time, but it caught me off guard for some reason.

Anywho, she’s going on a date with a guy this weekend that she’s not that excited about but I feel my time is running out. I can’t tell if the feelings are reciprocated, she says she kisses and cuddles with her friends sometimes, but she’d never made out or had sex with them.

I’m currently pulling my hair out at work, I can’t tell if she is trying to signal me to make a move or not but I want to talk to her about how I feel tonight I can’t hold it in anymore.

Does anyone have advice or could lend any insight on my situation?

The last thing I’d want is to lose this person forever, we are incredibly good friends and love spending time together. If the choice is “to speak or to die,” I would much rather speak and grow then die from never saying a word, but i’m still so scared

TL:DR – I’m in love with my roommate, we do things like cuddling and have sex, but I’m lost on whether to tell her how I feel or not. HELP ME

  1. >If the choice is “to speak or to die,” I would much rather speak and grow then die from never saying a word, but i’m still so scared

    Time to open your mouth then mate…

  2. Have to communicate dude. This is no time for being scared. I wouldn’t do it over text messages but if thats what you’re most comfortable with, it’s better than nothing. “Over the past few months I’ve started to develop feelings for you and am wondering where you stand.” You’ll know either way once she replies and can decide your next steps.

  3. Well my advice is be careful with the feelings stuff in the first talk. If you come at her with i have feelings or even love you, she is now cornered because you live together.

    Id say ive been thinking about you more and more lately because i have so much fun with you. I was wondering if at this point your open to trying out a relationship of some sort or are you just enjoying the moment? Before i allow myself to emotionally open up fully to you (lets her know its ok to say no and you can still be friends) i was wondering how you feel about us?

    Something like that but the goal is if she doesnt reciprocate that you both still feel comfortable with each other as friends and more importantly roommates

  4. The fact she’s actively making you aware of the fact she’s *not* excited for her date is her flashing a big red sign saying “other men suck, ask me out instead.” Talk to her. Explain you’ve been developing feelings and you want to know if she’d be interested in going on an official date.

  5. I mean reread what you posted. All you have to do is say something. People aren’t mind readers.

  6. Talk to her.

    Post an update for us to all cheer at you when it goes your way and you end up getting together and being an item forever.

    Go get ’em, tiger.

  7. Life is too short not to try. So just tell her. It may not work out the way you want, but as long as you’re mature about it you won’t lose a friend, even if she is not into it… and you may end up regretting it if you do nothing, or just become jealous of someone who does end up dating her.

  8. Bro……. Pls make the move

    A girl once went on a date right in front of me just to spite me… she admitted later it simply to make me jealous, which as a guy I overlooked as ridiculous of course.

    She’s romantic with you with cuddles, and she’s given you all of her already through sex – which is a big step for women. Sounds like she rly likes you man, you have everything to lose by NOT asking her to be your gf !

  9. Well, I no longer feel like I was the most oblivious guy on the planet when I was a young man. You have taken the cake, the pie, the whole damn bakery.

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