Men with smaller hands than a woman’s hand, how do you cope? does it make you feel insecure?

  1. Everyone thinks my hands are cute. But I can’t hit large cords on my the piano 😞

    One of my friends has long ass skeleton fingers and I have small ass baby hands. My friends call him piano fingers and they call me Violin fingers. I’ve played both but he is more successful at piano.

  2. A friend of mine had just proposed and he and his wife-to-be went out to shop around for rings.

    His hands are significantly smaller than hers.

    They finally figured out what they wanted, tested for size and had the order form filled in. And suddenly the clerk said “ohshit, I messed up the sizes didn’t I?” and insisted on measuring again. Apparently it’s pretty unusual that the bride has larger hands than the groom. They paid, and went on their way.

    Three hours later the store called them and said “uh, sorry to bother you, but I think we messed up the measuring somehow…” after whoever was going to place the order, did a swift sanity check on it.

    The day after, the factory called to say “oh, sorry to bother you here, ehm, the bride’s ring is larger. that’s wrong, isn’t it?”

    A few hours later the actual smith called too.

    And then the engraver.

    And finally quality control.

    And then the store AGAIN when they got the rings from the factory.

    Any time in his life, ever, that anyone has paid attention to the size of his hands.

  3. This is funny to me, didn’t know it was an insecurity for guys (at least never encountered it).
    I’m a woman with a pretty big hand, as in it’s usually bigger than most guys hands even if they’re 15cm tallen than me. I just got long ass fingers.

  4. I mean maybe I have to buy women’s gloves and I’m never gonna be able to do 7/8 fret spans on my guitar but other than that I’m guessing it’s much the same as having any other sized hands? They serve all the same functions.

    Look a bit odd though I suppose.

  5. Not really insecure, it is the way it is. If woman is into men with big hands and all anyway, my average to sub-average stature will likely put her off anyway.

    There are more challenges regarding things like playing some chords on a guitar or bass, as well as some tools that are typically made for bigger hands. Apart from that, no problems.

  6. I just stand there gripping the pickle jar, unable to open the lid with tears rolling down my cheeks..

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