Do you feel stressed about the way you look on a day to day basis?

  1. It doesn’t anymore. I’ve always struggled with being underweight and I hate feeling like I look like skin and bones, but during pregnancy I really committed to getting proper amounts of healthy food and I’ve kept up with it

    I hate eating but I love the way I look now that I’m not 20lbs underweight

  2. Anytime I look in the mirror for more than a passing glance or a focused look on one specific part. Not for any appearance-based insecurities, or other such things, but because I have chronic depersonalization issues and have a hard time seeing my reflection as me. Makes me all messed up in the head if I look too long at me/my appearance.

  3. Couple time a day. However, that’s low on the totem pole of the things that stress me out.

  4. When I want to look really good. Anything above business casual causes me stress. Between my body shape (post-menopausal) and my buzzcut, I haven’t found a way to look dressed up that I like. Everything looks too casual, too frumpy, or both.

    I’m thinking of asking for a wig for Christmas, so I can keep the buzzcut and also have pretty hair when I go out.

  5. When I’m trying something new. Like trying a new style from what I usually wear, or something new with my hair. Right now I’m growing out my bangs after having them for as long as I can remember and it’s making me more nervous and aware of myself because I don’t know what to do with them!

  6. More than it should. Every single day I worry abt it and when I say every day I mean at least 10x a day

  7. Well… I cried about it today.. had a breakdown two days before… last month.. mmmm not too often

  8. Anytime I need to dress up. It takes an hour just to find anything I feel remotely good in that fits the social requirements

  9. Not with my face I’m pretty pleased by my face. My body does stress me out often especially when I’m getting ready for a party.

  10. Yes, when it comes to clothing. I am happy with myself & learned to love my body especially after kids. I’m not big, but I do have some unwanted fat in some areas due to pregnancy & omg. I love fashion so much. I can have an outfit ideas in my head then when I put it on It is just not what I pictured in my head. If I could be smaller it wouldn’t be because of my confidence, it’s just the fact I could wear whatever I want & it would look exactly the way it’s supposed to be. I have an hourglass figure so my body only works with certain clothing, but I wish I could wear whatever I wanted too.

  11. Constantly. I WFH so no need to dress up, put on make up. I wear leggings or sweats every day. I realize I’ve become a bit depressed and de-motivated to work out, go on walks and over all take care of myself the way I did pre-covid.

    I known I can knock it out of the park with effort, but once the pretty dress comes off and the make up is removed. It’s back to feeling pretty blah. Even at my smallest I still found flaws to pick apart.

  12. All the time because i was in an auto accident when i was 17 and really got messed up in the head. and think that no woman would want me because i will be to much of a bother for them. Even though i have always wanted kids but I do not ever see that happening because i collect SSD from the Government and when i get that it is gone after i pay all my bills and no woman wants a man that can not even take them out without paying OK so i am just a loser but i talk to most woman but all they want is money well i tell them i am broke but they persist and that gets me upset. I mean i would love to get them what they want but it is impossible heck i can barley survive myself but i also know that GOD is looking out for me. OK well that is my story i just wish i could find a lady that realises that. OK thanks for listening to my life your friend John

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