I’ve been working commission based retail jobs on and off for 11 years now. I’m 30 years old. I am extremely motivated and I work with people from all walks of life. I would like to think people find me likable.

I work for a department store where we sell luxury clothing and goods. The department I am in has the highest traffic and my team makes probably a minimum of $100,000 a year putting together outfits and selling them.

I have a coworker that is a challenge for me because she consistently knit picks me. (I’ll start by giving you the back story)

Today I was supposed to get off of work at 7pm, as I was cleaning up and getting ready to end my shift and a customer I have helped a few times and most recently exchanged numbers with came in with his two friends. He was wearing the $4,000 outfit I had sold him yesterday so I went up to him said hello and complimented his outfit. I let the client know I do have to leave shortly but if there’s anything he needs he can let me know!

I started walking and talking to him and his 2 friends asking how their prior night went. My client told me it’s his friends birthday and he needs a pair of jeans. I asked what color he was thinking and pulled his size. The third friend also liked a pair of jeans that I had pulled. My client didn’t end up getting anything because his friend bought the jeans he wanted.

After I wrapped up the transaction my coworker asked to speak to me. I said of course and she basically asked me if I thought it was respectful that I stayed past 7pm to help a customer. I told her the client was in yesterday I would consider him a client. He let me know it was his friends birthday and he needed jeans to go with his outfit.

She disagreed and said I should have passed off the sale to someone else and her and another girl we work with were both very annoyed. She told me she heard me tell the client I had to leave shortly, which I did say before 7pm. I replied to her I felt as if he wanted me to help his friends so I stayed to help build my relationship with my client.

She was upset because over the weekend she had helped one of the other guys that bought the jeans and the other girl who was irritated helped the other guy yesterday. I apologized and said I didn’t stay later to be disrespectful.

If a customer you frequently help comes in with their friends and you have 10 minutes before your shift ends do you help provide the best customer service and make the sale or would you pass off a sale to a team member?

(Side note) I see people do this all the time. Her included. The jeans they bought I made probably $300 commission off of.

Please share your thoughts.

1 comment
  1. Nah, she’s 100% on the wrong here. You sound pretty nice, and the customer arrived before your time was over🤷🏼‍♀️. To me laving in the middle of it would’ve been disrespectful and awkward since they already had told you the whole story and built a rapport with you. Tbh I get nit wanting to have a bad relationship with a coworker, But sometimes people are envious and mean, just keep being yourself, if she doesn’t like ir thats her problem.

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