Hi everyone,
I was wondering people’s opinions on whether this seemed like addiction, hyper-sexuality, something else, etc.

So after my first orgasm when I masturbate or have sex I feel a strong urge (almost like a need) to do it again. Like the first one wasn’t enough. And I can have multiple orgasms, so it isn’t really an issue.

Except, after the first one I can end up doing 20+ repeatedly (1-2 every minute.)

It honestly ends up being time consuming, because, what was supposed to be a five minute session, I end up doing for 30+ minutes. And then I can come back later that day and do 15-20 more. (Usually have to stop because I have to do something)

It’s like, I feel the release from the orgasm, but it goes away after a few seconds and I feel like I’m just at the build-up part of orgasm again, not the release.

Is anyone dealing with something like this? It’s almost like my feeling of being turned on won’t go away no matter how much I orgasm and I haven’t seemed to have reached a limit on the amount I can orgasm.

EDITED TO ADD: Also, I can orgasm/masturbate while I’m watching something funny or reading non sexual books or internet stuff. It’s like it’s just a release and more of a chore. I don’t associate it with what I’m doing. Not sure if it’s related.

  1. This is fairly common with hypersexuals.. and can be worked into some fun bdsm play.. ask my how I know 🙂

  2. Perhaps you can try to instead of go for 20 quick ones, go for one big one.

    Instead of letting yourself cum, pause a moment and edge yourself. Do this for 20-30 minutes and then allow yourself a big orgasm. Perhaps that helps?

    Aside of that, a partner like you is a lot of fun so don’t stress it too much!

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