So in the past I’ve always let girls come my way or waited for them to show clear interest, but I’m starting to think I’ve been missing out on opportunities by meeting people this way. I have had trouble talking to girls I meet out and about though. I don’t lack confidence, I just have no idea what a good topic would be to initiate conversation.

For example, I was waiting at a tire center today while my car was being serviced. There was an attractive girl waiting near me who I planned on talking to, but while I sat there trying to think of the first thing to say, I kept drawing a blank. Eventually I asked her for some advice on one of my friends who I’ve been helping work through some stuff. Unfortunately though it was a short conversation as she didn’t seem interested in the topic and I realized that basically asking for help with something on my mind was not a good approach at all and didn’t create the type of fun conversation I was looking for.

So guys, what do you open with to create fun conversation, and ladies, in regards to your most favorable experiences being approached by dudes, what did they lead with?

  1. Approaching girls is like the hardest thing to do on the planet you are going need to psych yourself up for it because it could go either way

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