been vaguely fwb with someone for 2 months now. it just makes me sad because we dated for like two months about half a year ago and i still really like them. hard to see someone like that only want you for sex when you remember what it was like when they wanted more 🙁

i know i have to end it soon, because this is too hard for me. i just dont know how i’ll find the strength to do it

  1. You already broke up once, ending a physical-only relationship should be easier

  2. It’s never easy to end things when your heart tells you to stay. But I’m telling you, the heart is deceptive and this is not a good situation for you long term. The best way to deal with this is to fake it until you make it. End it, understand there is going to be pain and a feeling of “withdrawal”, but put your future happiness and mental/emotional wellbeing at the forefront instead of this short term gratification.

    Sending you strength, you got this! Something much better is around the corner.

  3. As a guy, I probably shouldn’t even say this. But FWB is absolutely the best ROI for guys (and millions fall into this category) who want to invest absolutely zero but still.get the goods. (girls as well I suppose to a lesser extent) Man it bails so many dudes out. At least an escort would be paid compensation but FWB? It’s typically only a matter of time before there’s collateral damage against someone.

    But I’ll digress. It’s kind of simple. If you aren’t happy with the results, make a change. Continuing apparently isn’t improving your situation. So decide what is more valuable to you – what changes in this regard would make you feel better about you?

    Or keep status quo and post again how sad you are in three months…

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