Basically the man is very kind and loving. A lot of affection and love towards me. However he has a lot of issues. He’s been in and out of mental hospitals, multiple suicide attempts, severely depressed. He’s finally getting a job after 2 years of not working. He spends a tremendous amount of time scrolling through reddit and watching tv all day or video games. His hobbies basically include that and politics. We rarely have sex and we do its like pulling teeth. We might have sex once a week and on my end it’s very unsatisfying. He has ED and anxiety issues, plus he’s just not that good. It’s like he doesn’t enjoy sex.

I think I’ve already answered myself. I’ve just been insecure and not wanting to have to date again down the road.

TLDR: I think the man coasted most of his life on looks and having a good dick. His personality is depression, and lacks a desire for sex. Questioning why I’ve waited this long (7m) to break up with him.

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