So I have a friend who’s very pushy about their plans. And they don’t care about any of my plans. They keep arguing against my plans. For example I was too tired after a workout and wanted to sleep. They called me for dinner and I was like I am planning to sleep. They argued sleep later it’ll take only some time. And then they argued to stop doing gym like that. Now I had made my plan long ago when I entered gym and my mood was set to sleep as I returned. So I had to push the no. Idk how to say no to them. Anything I say, they’ll just argue.

Any idea on how to tackle such situations?

  1. No thanks, man! I’m tired and I’m going to sleep *yawn* I’ll talk to you tomorrow, bye! *hang up*

  2. I think you should feel free to say no and set some boundaries. But with pushy people it can be really hard sometimes. It can make you feel guilty or stressed.They should respect your decision to have time for yourself or something else. When you can’t or don’t want to hangout or follow their plans just say that you can’t . And don’t feel guilty for it. Also you don’t need any excuses. They’re the worst. If they still don’t understand you need to openly talk about this problem or walk away.

  3. You have to decide on your response and STICK TO THAT. Don’t give “reasons,” they will just argue. (As you’ve noticed!) Example, you were tired and wanted to sleep. That’s already too much information! See, they don’t CARE that you’re tired, nor about your wanting to sleep. They just care about what THEY want. So make your response like this:

    “Sorry, that won’t work for me tonight. Maybe some other time.”

    Them: “WHY? Why can’t you go to dinner. Just come to dinner.”

    You: “I’m not up to it tonight. Maybe another time.”

    Them: “Why why why? Just COME! Don’t be a loser. Come to dinner.”

    You: “It isn’t working for me tonight. Thanks for asking though.”

    Them: “WHAT’S THE REASON????”

    You: “I don’t need a reason. I’m not feeling it tonight.”

    Them: “I hate you!”

    You: “Anyway I appreciate the offer. Talk to you tomorrow!”

    Just remain nice, polite, and PERSISTENT. Stick to your original answer and don’t give reasons.

    Good luck!

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