We have recently got back in from a night out and after he realised I was not in the state to have sex he left me in a vulnerable position on my bed. When I came more round to consciousness and noticed where I was I realised he had left me to go into a different room. I got upset and started talking to him and he slammed door into my foot out of anger causing it to break my toe and start to bleed. I don’t know what to do I’ve managed to lock my door and keep him out but I’m scared and really upset. Any advice?

  1. My first reaction is to tell you to call the police and get yourself to a hospital ASAP.

    You shouldn’t be living with someone you’re afraid of like that. He broke your toe and hasn’t tried to apologize or get you medical attention?

  2. this is abuse. please get somewhere safe (don’t tell him where you’re going) and if you can’t do that, call the cops

  3. Call the cops ! I’ve been in a situation in a past relationship similar to this and nothing good ever comes out of it . He broke my toe , left bruises and scratches on me and had even threw me clear across the room and I was too scared to defend myself bc it only ever made it worse . You should never ever feel scared when you and your partner are arguing . You should never feel like he will lay his hands on you or purposely hurt you . Call somebody . Anybody . Your parents , the cops , a domestic abuse hotline , anybody. It’s better to be safe rather than dead.

  4. Call the police time now. Whatever you decide to do or not do in the future, you are not safe right now and need medical assistance.

  5. If he meant to slam it on your foot I’d call the cops if not then I’d still say break up with him, but just go to the hospital. Really up to you if you think it was out of negligence or hostility. Either way it doesn’t sound like a healthy person to be in a relationship with.

  6. If you are in a demographic where calling the cops is a safe choice for you, call the cops.

    Get medical care for your foot _now_.

  7. So… you clearly went out and got shitty mcshitfaced drunk. Then got mad at him for … I’m trying to understand it. You got upset and started “talking” to him? Just normal conversation while he was trying to sleep? Seems like there’s a lot missing here.

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