I understand that daddy always feel super lethargic after a long day of work. I always welcome him home with warm miso soup and teriyaki chicken bowl but I feel like I’m not doing enough because he’s always on his phone for meetings and decides to just work till late night.

How can I get more attention from him so we can have more time for sex? 😢

  1. Have a conversation with him about how you’re feeling and find out whether he is willing to make compromises.

  2. Be naked while you serve him his miso. Then crawl under the table and suck his dick while he eats it. When he’s done eating, bend over the table and tell him he can do anything he wants to your body.

  3. Communicate! Talk to him about what your feeling, outside the dynamic. Have an open and honest conversation. Let him know you are feeling ignored, and want more quality time with him. When he gets home from work, and after he’s eaten, ask how his day was, give him a shoulder message, ect. Ask if you can give him a bj, or just for some sexy cuddle time.

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