Former adrenaline junkies, what new hobbies did you pursue as you aged up but still wanted to get your rocks off?

  1. Cocaine and raw-dogging inner city hookers. Currently waiting for the results of my 10-panel STI test. Such a rush!

  2. i gave up big-wave surfing and went back to the soft waves. i’m actually a lot happier now. i was shit-scared all the time back then. my wife still does it sometimes when we go to hawaii, but she’s a fucking maniac japanese girl with a banzai deathwish, so…..

    idk man, marriage is pretty stimulating by itself, it’s always a new challenge or adventure. but once in awhile we’ll go night surfing when the moon is full, that’s pretty cool and a little scary, but not HOLY SHIT I’S GONNA DIE scary.

  3. went from jogging to skating about 10 years ago.

    i street skate all the time. less impact on the knees. bit more fun too.

  4. Skydiving. As long as your heart and lungs are healthy you can do it when you’re older.

    Also a motorcycle

  5. I’m 20 so I’m not qualified but asked my grandpa (74) answers were- Drag racing, motorcycles, skydiving, scuba diving, skiing

  6. I got most of it out of my system. Been there done that takes the appeal off of even skydiving and motor cycles. Now doing kid stuff and watching them push their limits is where it’s at.

  7. Drag-racing and Knee-dragging.

    The biggest adrenaline rush to date was zooming up and down a certain mountain on a naked literbike. Zero guard-rails. If you screw up, you’re going straight down onto rocks. I would go up and down that mountain faster and faster. It hit a point where I’d feel the rear tire chirping a little when going through the switchbacks, then I’d wheelie across the straightaway to the next switchback. I realized I was getting too cocky and needed to tone it down or I’d wind up regretting it.

    Prior to that, going down the 1320 on four wheels (sometimes two, if you launch hard enough) was the best adrenaline rush. Unfortunately my drag car got sabotaged by a friend and I had to sell it and leave the sport.

    When my wife and I are finally successful at starting a family, ***if*** our child(ren) are as interested in automotive sports as I am, I hope to enroll them in JR NHRA racing class. I would *never* force it, but automotive does run in the family…

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