Hello from Canada 🇨🇦

I stayed up all this time just to ask if you guys are tipsy yet?

ETA: I fell asleep & my notifications are…whelp, I can’t respond to everyone, there’s way too many. But thank you to everyone who responded, hope you all have a wonderful week.

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  2. Might be a bit too early just yet pal. It’s only 2pm here. For a normal bank holiday, we’d be mashed already.

  3. We’ve all got work tomorrow. It’s not like a usual bank holiday. Also, no ones getting smashed in the pub over the death of the Queen, it would feel a little tasteless.

    Edit; I’m speaking about our typical bank holiday benders. Obviously people drink after funerals, obviously pubs are still open and obviously some people are still drinking. What I’m comparing this to is other bank holidays such as May Day. We’re not all out getting fucked up this weekend for the Queen’s funeral. It’s not the same kind of event.

  4. It’s not like a normal bank holiday and celebration. It’s quite a sombre serious day. Whether you’re a royalist or not, you don’t want to come across distasteful and insulting by being smashed. Most places are closed or partially closed.

  5. Bank holidays tend to be the Sunday night the Monday is a recovery day as there’s work the next day.

  6. I’m at work and they’ve stopped us streaming the funeral from our desks because it’s interrupting the IT systems (essential for our job role and especially today as it’s a busy day)
    Sadly not all of us get bank holidays off (I will also be working Christmas Day and Boxing day) but I am getting double time for the pleasure of being here

  7. As others have said, im not drunk either, however, I’ve got a question for YOU.

    What’s the general concensus in Canada? As a member of the commonwealth I wondered if you take pleasure in being so closely related to Britian, or if its an irrelevant footnote for your country?

  8. I stocked up when the shops were open. Hammered by 11am. Thank the lord for predictive text 😉 RIP Madge

  9. Quite the opposite, trying to fight off a cold so I’m off my tits on lemsip watching the funeral. Rest in peace ma’am ♥️

  10. Just opened a bottle of wine for dinner, but otherwise quite sober I’ll have you know.

    That said, I give it maybe thirty or forty minutes before my edibles kick in. I’ve been waiting for “this” extra bank holiday for years!

  11. I’ve been watching the funeral on & off. Had a bottle of champagne and a couple of basic cocktails so well underway as they say.

    This is not a normal Monday, I’m usually sober at this time.

  12. It’s a very strange day here. Usually Bank Holidays are nuts but today is so quiet. We’re not really into royal stuff so my husband won’t have the service on the telly (I didn’t really want to watch it all anyway), we’ve been doing some gardening (the quiet tasks!) And taking a walk down to the beach soon. Some places will be opening at 5pm I believe but lots of people will have work tomorrow so I doubt many people will be getting leathered later..!

  13. I walked my dog earlier and everywhere was an absolute ghost town. Nothing open apart from a pharmacy.

    Imagine the start of the movie ’28 days later’. that was the overall atmosphere.

  14. Started with a glass of bubbly and a toast to HRH. And it’s continued from there, more bubbles, now wine…. Mind you, all very tasteful. Maybe ask tomorrow.

  15. I chose to work it so I would get get day back. I have zero interest in the monarchy. Someone lost their maw/Grandma/cousin which is sad, but they don’t stand for anything to be proud of. It’s pretty cringe the way the British public have put an almost Disneyesq spin on them like they’re some wonderful family, when they aren’t really. They aren’t progressive in any way, if they were, they could just do what Bhutan did. That’s the way to go.

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