You discovered that your date already have bf\husband – what will you do?

  1. Cut off contact and walk away.

    Not going to get involved with like, trying to find the husband or something.

  2. Currently on the date? Finish eating then dash, for wasting both our time.

    After the night has completed? Leave a not for him under the toilet seat.

  3. This happened to me. First date, I didn’t really feel anything, and I was dropping her back off at home. We had a quick make out session, she groped me, and ended with a bj.

    I didn’t really think we’d date any more, but she messaged me the next day. We met again, and again; it was becoming more regular. I thought I should delete my online dating profile since we were seeing each other so often. But, I noticed her profile was still active. I looked. I swear this wasn’t there before, but in her profile, it was written in an open relationship.

  4. Ask if theyre poly, if yes go through with the date. Im not poly myself but hey ill try anything once.

    And if not tell them im not into it and wish them a good evening

  5. Play along until they invite me home when hubby isnt there. Pretend I cant get it up / dont feel like it and leave a post it under the toilet seat for the husband.

  6. Hopefully he makes a lot more money than me… I’m gonna need her to have something to lose when she gets mad.

    I mean… A woman that needs you to keep quiet sounds like the safest woman on earth. Not gonna come home and find my headlights busted out with this one.

  7. Red flag.

    Not interested in being sloppy seconds or someones emotional dump or getting tied up in their problems.

    I have more self worth than that.

  8. End it right then and there.

    So many women bait and switch – “I’m divorced” and then on date 3 it’s “we’re separated and divorce will be final in a few months” and on date 6 it’s “oh yeah he still lives in the house with me but we have separate bedrooms”.

    So glad I’m not dating anymore and got married

  9. I had this happen to me once many years ago, I was a New Found Glory concert (Bristol, UK) and got chatting with some ladies with a friend of mine. We had a really great time and got along really great. She confessed to having a long term partner much later into the evening and was apologetic about being flirty and leading me on.

    Which to me I think was genuine on her part, maybe playing winggal to her friend with my mate. We ended up talking about her relationship for a good hour as she was clearly unhappy/unfulfilled at the time.

    Still, was disappointed but had a good flirt with made me feel good about myself I guess. Hopefully she is happy.

  10. Super red flag, bail. Happened to me once years ago. Had plans to meet up with a woman on a date, and then found social media with a post from the very same day about how much she loves her husband…… bailed.

  11. What better relationship than one with possibly all the fun and non of the responsibilities after factoring possibility of getting chopped into pieces by husband

  12. If she cheats on him, she will cheat on you.

    There’s only 1 rational choice. leave her and tell him.

  13. Leave and not say anything. They don’t deserve an explanation, and it’s better to not get involved to avoid a crazy partner that will treat you like a threat rather than leave their partner.

  14. Try to get the husband/BF’s contact info so I can rat her out. I have personal beef with every single cheater.

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