Mine is photos of attractive women in bikinis or ultra-tight/revealing clothing doing not-sexy things on social media, with an inane question like “what sort of spanner is she using?” (under a pic of a woman in tight Daisy Dukes working on a car engine) or “What sort of fish did she catch?” (under a pic of a woman in a skimpy bikini with a fishing rod or holding a fish she’s caught).

The comments are always full of (and intended to be full of) “hurr hurr she can work on my crankshaft next” or “she can use my bait any time hurr hurr” stuff.

Yes Trevor, I get your wife won’t let you look at PornHub, but if you don’t know how to wait until she’s gone to book club for the afternoon and use private browsing mode on your computer, that’s very much a you problem.

  1. I hate those “kids these days” stuff. Why is our fault how you raised us? Are we supposed to just know shit? Cause that certainly didn’t work for you and it shows.

  2. I agreed with everything you said. That and I hate my wife jokes. But also when they post pictures of like Tweety Bird or a random puppy with stupid text that reads something dumb like, “Good morning! I bet I won’t even get one good morning back.” Or this kid has cancer, one like = one prayer one share = $1 donation.

  3. So boomer humor is not okay but whatever you find funny is? I’m not a boomer but I respect people to enjoy whatever they like as long as it does not hurt anyone. Unless this hurts your fragile feefees.

  4. When the boomers lost me was 2008.

    The “joke” was an old guy going down to the White House and asking a guard to speak to President Obama repeatedly. The guard then gets flustered and said, “You may not speak to President Obama! It’s President McCain!” and the old guy and the guard share a smug smirk of superiority that the other guy lost and their guy won.

    I’ll laugh at most jokes, if they’re funny. Cringe humor shit drives me away like nothing else.

  5. Basically anything that jokes that there should be some kind of imbalance of intelligence or power within hetro couples e.g. Husbands are idiots, wives shouldn’t be trusted with credit cards.

    In saying that the show Friends obviously watched by many Gen X and Millennials and bizarrely enjoyed by many Gen Z really leans into Boomer Humour. So yeah enjoyment of Boomer Humour seems to cross generations.

  6. The jokes making fun of Millenials, but focused on things which either aren’t a generational thing, or don’t make any sense if you apply them to Millenials. Like implying that Millenials can’t read cursive. We were all taught cursive.

  7. Anything about women doing all the housework and raising kids and men only do it to because their wife told them.

  8. Anti technology because “new things bad, woods good”

    Anti spouse because they think you actually should hate them

    And “kids don’t read, only play games”. I read far more than most boomers I know and still love video games

  9. so now do you comment this on their pictures and responses or to you retreat to reddit to post your snark?

  10. Boomers just fucking suck at jokes.

    They don’t care about the set up of the joke. They don’t even care if their joke makes sense as long as they get to their punchline.

    And then when you don’t laugh and just stare they’re like “get it, cause they’re lesbians?”

  11. I’m not a boomer, but I already hate the watered down, walking on eggshells lack of sense of humour that millennial and younger seem to have. Can’t say anything without someone screeching about being offended. Haha as for the woman holding the fish, I’d eat her red snapper any day hurr hurr 😉😁 I can’t imagine what stand up comedy will be like in 20 years. People standing on stage giving trigger warnings before every joke, asking permission if it’s okay to discuss certain topics.

  12. Anything that tries to demasculate men and force them into a category of only manly men are real men.

    The “back in my day men looked like men” bs

  13. The boomers at the gym think everyone still watches TV and pro sports, but the average viewer age for both is like 70.

    Repeating that joke you heard from “Everyone Loves Raymond” from the 1995 season just isn’t doing it for me. Not into old man sports either, yeah I’m sure reminiscing about the Packers season in 1997 is very interesting if you’re old enough but its 2022 and I’m not an old man (yet) so …

    OPs reference to shitty one liners on thirst trap posts is just male competitiveness at its finest, I’m sure I can do a better one liner than these lame old guys, but next thing you know someone on Reddit is making fun of them. The point I’m making is in their fight its all about relative victory over the other guys, not absolute victory as in she’s going to leap into the winners arms and have sex as a reward.

  14. All the jokes boomers make when they see a luxury cable workout machine.

    It’s always some body builder doing cable chest press and saying “normally I can bench 315 but I can barely get over 185 on this!”

    And then here come the uneducated boomers making jokes about how millennials are too gullible to catch that mistake and that it’s clearly not calibrated correctly.

    Tell me you’ve never seriously worked out without telling me you’ve never seriously worked out.

    Edit: to be clear I’m not justifying to cost of those cable machines. Having that much money I’d sooner hire a personal trainer or build a whole home gym rather than pay thousands for a cable machine with a touch screen. But I respect people who do go for it if it motivates them to workout.

  15. My Boomer aunt shared the meme/story about the ah shucks, humble, man-of-God, blue color guy showing up the ivy league educated woman who’s degree is in gender studies that out of the blue asks him if he’d like to chat as she sat next him on the flight; and when he agreed asks about what, she picks how there’s no god. He then quickly shuts her down by asking if she knows the difference in animal droppings and proclaims she “don’t know shit” in the first place.

    First of all, does someone ever just bring up how there’s no god outta the blue like that? More ironically though is this aunt had NO fucking CLUE what plate tectonics was when she tried to convince me that sea fossils on mountain tops were proof of Noah’s flood. She also legit thought we had discovered life elsewhere and doesn’t understand why the planets Jupiter and Saturn debunks her assertion that “you can’t see air”.

    Another is the whole “music is shit these days” trope. I also say I am disappointed in my fellow Xer’s when I see them post shit like that given the meltdowns over rock music back in the 80’s.

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