So I (18M) have never been in a relationship, I met this girl (18F) on college and we started talking, I’m somewhat of an introverted person and she started talking with me first, weve been knowing each other for around one month and a half by now, she has started to hug me a lot and touching me and compliments me sometimes, we have already been to the movies after school 2 times but nothing has happened apart from the usual, the problem is that I think he is kinda dating other guy, she told me she was single when I met her but she sometimes post things about him on twitter, I really like her but I dont know if she only sees me as a friend. We are going to a museum the next wednesday and im thinking of telling her there but I dont know how, Im going to pick her up at her house and I was also thinking about buying her flowers because she has twitted sometimes that she wants someone to give her flowers and there was a tik tok trend recently about gifting the one you love yellow flowers, but I also think it will be a bad idea to do that and I will look very dumb if she rejects me specially if its on the begining of the date. What should I do?

  1. Don’t worry about the other guy. Get the flowers. Say “I got these for you. I thought you might like them.” and don’t explain further, just relax and treat it like any other night.

    If she acts normally,, or gets closer, tell her how you feel on the drive home, when you are almost at her house or in her driveway saying goodnight.

  2. Telling you she’s single, touching and compliments are huge signs. She went to the movies with you. Literally she is screaming for you to make a move. The other guy could also be a test. She could be trying to make it look like she has options to cause you to make a move. You will never get more of a sign then this from a girl. Most don’t even come close to this much.

    My generic advice, is you need to quickly get over the feeling of not wanting to be rejected. Yes, I understand it’s quite hard. Women are typically very nice when rejecting people. It’s actually not that bad. We make it bad to ourself. The ones that aren’t, I feel grateful they rejected me.

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