One of the group member invited me to join them for an event. I feel more belong in that group than a lot of my other friend groups, but they are a clique that form 10 yrs ago.

I could’ve been part of that, but I moved for a job and then was busy with school. Now I want to join them but feel like it’s too late and not sure how to break in.

I’m like an acquaintance to most of the people there, we had lots of fun together at the events. But back in day to day life, they are a clique for sure and idk how to break in.

  1. It’s difficult to make friends with “a group.”

    How about start with one person in the group and expand from there?

  2. Well, *are* you desperate?
    Like are you asking for way to do this without giving away that you need this, or do you not want to wrongly come across as desperate because you actually don’t desperately need this?
    I’m asking because that makes a huge difference.

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