The English-speaking world has Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc

What about your country? For example, is there a German version of Reddit, a French version of twitter? Etc. Ones that an English-speaker may not have heard of. I think Russia has VK, and China has Weibo.

  1. There are no big European Social media apps. The only thing I can come up with in the Netherlands are Dumpert, nujij and tweakers.

  2. I know Jodel was quite popular when I was in uni. I don’t use it anymore, though.

  3. In pre-Facebook days we had Nasza Klasa (Our Class) which was more about connecting with people from school that we lost contact altogether. It later was ran down with kids as it was usually our first Social Media. It also introduces micropayments which were hated by most userbase. It closed down last July which was a surprise that it lasted that long.

    There’s also Wykop which is often compared to Reddit. It has news, memes, copy pastas and everything in between. It’s know for its userbase being mostly Right Wingers, incells and other questionable folk.

    There’s also Albicla an answer to Facebook. A passion project of a right wing paper owner that “had enough with Facebook” because they were censoring his content. It was such a disaster when it opened. There were no security certificates so anyone could download entire data base. There wasn’t any limit to passwords so someone used entire text of Pan Tadeusz. Most users had John Paul II as avatars. Someone created an account “delete_account” and if clicked on that account then your account was deleted. And so on and so forth.

    [r/Polska link for the Albicla thing](

  4. During the early 2000s we had a platform similar to facebook called StudiVZ aimed for college/University students. But I think most of us only used it to see who has joined we most ridiculously named groups.

    Like: Niveau (Standards) only looks like arrogance from below, Nivea only looks like Aronal from below, Buckets: and why they are closed at the bottom.

    (the names are more fun in German)

    Pretty sure Facebook has killed it off by now.

  5. There aren’t any real competitors to Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit etc.

    But f.e. here in Reddit are lots of German / german-speaking subreddits…

  6. There *used to be* StudiVZ from Germany for German speakers but i just read an article that it’s been discontinued.

    I don’t know of any specific Austrian ones.

  7. VK is a FSB database. Currently, I have no problems with access to Reddit from Russia. Other sources was blocked by recent weeks, necessary to use VPN or Proxy

  8. We have/had Tuenti, it was basically our own version of Facebook. But then Facebook took over and everyone went there.

  9. 10-15 years ago people used Tuenti. I don’t know what happened to this platform.

    There’s other platform that at the beginning it was a forum about cars, but ended up being the biggest forum in spanish, forocoches.

  10. There are none, they died years ago. Fb and Instagram rule the Spanish world, taringa was popular way back in the day but been long gone.

  11. We have [Eksi Sözlük]( which is kind of like Reddit, I think? It is not so much a social media platform as it is a knowledge-sharing platform (though it has strayed away from its original purpose a lot in the past years, but it is still quite useful and fun). I use it a lot to keep up with stuff that’s happening in Turkey.

  12. We have the exact same social medias as the English-speaking world…

    Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc

    The only unique to Sweden, that I can think of, is Flashback… which essentially is a big gossip forum. And with *”gossip”* I mean…

    * *”who are the victims/perpetrators in the most recent local murder?”*
    * *”which drugs are best for ailment / tripping?”*
    * *”which stocks should I buy during the Ukraine war?”*
    * “*which celebrity was it who got caught by the police leaving an illegal brothel?”*
    * etc… etc…

    But we have had some Sweden exclusive social medias:

    * Lunarstorm (1996–2010) – Similar to an early Facebook, but only used by children and youth.
    * Bilddagboken (2004 – current) – Similar to Instagram where you could upload pictures and peaked in 2008. Was to be closed-down in 2017, but was bought by Adhype. Is today called [](,

  13. From what I’ve seen so far, every social media has Bulgarian as a language option.

  14. Social media as in similar to Facebook etc makes me think of Hyves, which used to be big when it still existed in that form. It’s an online games platform now, I believe.

    Also, it sounds like you’re saying insta etc are only used by native English speakers, but the whole international community is on there lol. There are probably subreddits, insta pages, etc in other languages 😹

  15. The german anonymous social media Jodel is quite popular. At least among high school and college students

  16. Facebook killed every competition, but there were a few:

    – iwiw: one of the first social media sites, launched in 2002, it was king before Facebook became popular
    – myVIP: since iwiw required an invitation, everyone who couldn’t get one was here
    – hundub: it was a weak attempt at creating a facebook competitor a few years ago, it didn’t last long

  17. Facebook is still massive in Belgium. Literally everyone I know uses it as the primary way of communication. Although I’ve heard that the younger kids tend to be more on instagram.

  18. worldbox is not a social media app but it is an app that has luxembourgish as a language option

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