We men can never tell someone we fainted. We always say we passed out.

  1. I mean, they’re kind of all situation specific.

    Too drunk, blacked out.

    Hit too hard, knocked the fuck out.

    Sick and beyond your physical control, passed out.

    Spineless and saw something that made your head spin and fall, fainted.

    They’re also not at all gender-specific. They’re not definitions, it’s individual paraphrasing. Byproducts of individual upbringings.

  2. Well, the only time I’ve been truly knocked the fuck out is on the ice when I played ice hockey. Puck to the temple. But if you’re talking about literally fainting at the sight of blood or something similar, it’s okay to just say that! It’s an involuntary response. You could call it “vasovagal syncope,” the technical term for it.

  3. I fainted/passed out in Mexico city. Altitude, lack of sleep, and electrolyte imbalance was the cause.

  4. Decided to inspect the floor (not a man but that’s the sort of thing my husband would probably say)

  5. I have a weird thing I’ve never bothered getting checked out. My sis has low blood pressure, so assume I have the same.

    In short I stack it, if I’m hot and standing up for too long. There’s more to it, but that is the headline.

    So far it has happened at 2 funerals, a Remembrance Day Parade, a skittles match, a lounge, a work meeting and many other low key events.

    It’s not a big deal

  6. Was standing in front of the toilet taking leak and passed out backwards into the tub. Lucky I didn’t break my neck. I was only out momentarily.

  7. I passed out in bjj, I got caught in a choke and was trying to fight it. I thought i was getting out of it, but my vision started black and I woke up breathing funny and convulsing. The timer went off and I took a break and continued on with rolling.

  8. I call it passing out.


    I had a heat stroke a couple times. One time, it was like a Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb dream where I could see the people around me, their lips were moving but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Second time, I was up and feeling weird, then next thing I remember was opening my eyes and seeing a circle of dudes looking down at me after I passed out.


    Gatorade fixed me both times.

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