Me (17F) and my bf (soontobe16M) have been in a long distance relationship for about a year and 2 months. Our relationship has had a lot of ups and downs due to boundary crossing and different priorities in the relationship.

We have almost broken up twice within our relationship due to our differences (and when these breaks ups were happening he would call me some colourful names and make false claims about me, but only to me eg. You never loved me).

But now it’s September, and I think I’ve just completely lost feelings for him.

Why do I think this? I’ve been extremely busy with school, extracurriculars, and work so I’ve barely been able to talk to him lately, and I’ve noticed I’ve felt happier and more ‘free’ without having to worry about him.

I haven’t really had the motivation to message him or vc with him because our messages are usually pretty dull and he has been straight up scary and creepy in our last few video calls.

With school, extracurriculars, work, and not wanting to have to deal with the boundary crossing and anxiety he creates, I want to leave him. But its not like our past ‘breakups’, it’s truly because I believe I don’t feel the same way he does anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I still care about him, but I don’t want to be doing things that bf/gf do if you get what I mean.

I’m scared he’s going to blow up on me for telling him I wanna break up, and I need to do it before the end of September because he is expecting me to send him ‘things’ by then.

Am I wrong for wanting to break up with him and how should I break it to him?

TL;DR: I realized I’ve lost feelings for my boyfriend, but I’m scared to tell him I want to break up cause I don’t want him to blow up like he has in the past. How do I break it to him?

*I have written more posts about my bf if you’re interested in more information*

1 comment
  1. No you’re not wrong. Even if you still had feelings for him it wouldn’t be wrong because he sounds very toxic.

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