If a male friend ask for a first kiss how would be your reaction?

  1. Not big on male friends. Kinda hard when you were bullied by them in school, the women (well girls at the time because school) were the nice ones and came to ask if I was ok and/or make me feel better when I was crying in a corner. Besides not into guys so I would politely/rudely decline depending on whether they were polite or rude about it

  2. Stop being friends with him as he’s asking me to cheat on my long-term partner and father of my children. Even if I was single I wouldn’t hang out with him anymore as I don’t blur those boundaries when it comes to friends.

  3. Would depend entirely on context. But if you’re just asking about a totally platonic friend randomly asking to kiss me unprompted, without us ever having discussed or even implied a mutual attraction between us, that would come across as socially inept and inappropriate.

    To be clear, just kissing me without asking first would be even more inept and inappropriate. The asking itself isn’t the problem; it’s the lack of “reading the room.”

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