Guys who became dads at an early age, what’s your story?

  1. First kid at 24. Story is short and simple: had too much to drink, didn’t pull out. 9 months later, the baby came.

  2. I was 17 and in high school. Neither of us wanted to give the baby away, but we both also wanted a future. Fortunately, we both came from middle/upper-middle class families and it’s kinda been a village situation, with our respective parents contributing early on. Now we co-parent and provide on our own.

    I went to college and on to grad school. She’s been a flight attendant for 9 years and is now in flight school and wants to become a pilot. We get along well. She’s engaged to be married. I’m single and dating. The kid situation turns some off, but others appreciate it as a sign that I took responsibility for a “bad” choice I made as a young man.

    My son is 12 now. I’m definitely raising him to make better choices than I did.

  3. My girlfriend gave birth to our daughter when I was a high school senior in 1970. My girlfriend never finished high school. We lived with her mom until I found a cheap one bedroom apartment. I worked at a gas station, most of our furniture was from the curb, clothes from thrift shops, everything else from bargain stores and garage sales.
    Best years of my life. Daughter is an attorney.

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